She twisted in her seat to face me. “I saidyes, Jason. I want to help; I won’t back out. But if you change your mind…”
“No,” I replied after a brief pause, andthen I let my head drop back on the headrest. “You’re still the only girl Iwant to get fake married to.”
She gave a short, amused laugh and restedher temple against the headrest. “Yay?”
I turned my head to find her studying me. Asecond later, I was tugging her hair, stealing another sincere smile from her.
“In a few weeks, it’ll all die down, don’tworry,” I reassured her. “And it won’t be all bad, I promise.”
“I’m not worried. Not exactly. I mean, it’sprobably every girl’s wish to get married to you these days. Fake or not, it’llbe…something. So, no, I’m not worried. But I think you should be.”
“Well, if we can’t tell anyone about this,”she shrugged, her lips kicking up at the corners. “I’m not going to be the onewho tells my parents I got married so hastily. If I have to lie, so do you.”
Now it was my turn to wince. “I think I cancharm your mom and dad, but Dylan… Yeah, I’m not looking forward to that talk.”
Closing her eyes, she faced forward again.“So, we are getting married right after we get back from London. It’s going tobe a quick thing at your home. No friends, no nothing. That night, I move inwith you, and when the filming starts for Soul Ache, I’m to accompanyyou to the movie set for the first few days so they can get more candid shotsof us and essentially start promoting the movie right when the filming starts.”
“That pretty much sums it up,” I muttered,rubbing my eyes.
“You’re not Isaac and I’m…not Evie, theyget that though, right?” she asked a little hesitantly when I started the car.
“In their eyes, we will be whoever theywant us to be, little one.”
Chapter Twenty
Do you know what happens after you start actinglike you’re in love with a girl? Or, hell, forget about being in love, do youknow what happens when you act like you’re dating each other? Falling for eachother? No?
Let me tell you what happens: you start toget lost in your own fucking game. You begin to think you’re actuallydating each other. What the fuck are you supposed to think when you’re holdinghands, looking into each other’s eyes, laughing, and just fucking enjoying yourlife?
Only, it is a special kind of hell whereyou can’t reap the benefits of dating as you would if you were actually fuckingdating.
The days after our meeting with Megan passedin a flurry of activity. As much as I hated seeing myself on every media outletout there, I couldn’t deny the fact that I didn’t mind it that much when Olivewas in the same shot with me. After looking at so many damn photos of the twoof us together, laughing, smiling, and holding hands—always holding hands—I couldsee what Tom and Megan had initially seen.
We looked good together.
I was afraid I was starting to believe inthe lie we had so meticulously created. I was starting to believe that Olivebelonged with me and only me.
Late night movie date?
Shopping at the farmers’ market?
Coffee date?
Lunch date?