Page 63 of To Love Jason Thorn

The laptop still on her lap, she extendedher neck and sniffed at my tea. “What are you having? It smells better thanmine.”

“Just black tea, Earl Grey.” Sitting nextto her, I glanced at the screen.

“This one is my favorite,” said Char, scrollingdown to another picture, the one where Jason’s hand was out of sight and undermy shirt. “You both look lost in each other.”

“Well, we weren’t lost anywhere, I had weirdhot smoothie spilled all over me and he was just making sure I was okay. I don’tknow what kind of a creep took our photos, but they somehow managed to capturesomething that wasn’t even there. They are a good stalker, I’ll give themthat.”

“I think I’m with Lucy on this one,” sheadmitted, and I sharply turned to look at her, almost spilling hot tea all overmyself, again. “Ok, don’t kill me yet,” she said, lifting her hands as if toward me off. “I just don’t think you could capture something like this if therewas absolutely nothing there. I mean, it’s not like you are still inlove with Marcus, right?”

“Of course not. And well, we already knowthat I’m still in love with Jason so both Lucy and you are seeing that.”

“Olive.” She closed the laptop and placedit next to her. “You probably don’t want to give yourself false hope, but…”

“But…? But, what?”

“Jason isn’t really looking at you as ifyou are just his best friend’s little sister. At least not in these photos.”She gestured toward the laptop. “Of course I have no idea how he is treating youwhen you guys are together.”

I waved her off and took a sip of my tea. “Heis just—”

My phone starting ringing and Char liftedan eyebrow as I looked at her in panic.

“Where is your phone?” she asked.

“I don’t know, in my room?”

The phone kept ringing.

She tilted her head. “Well, aren’t yougonna get it?”

I shook my head vehemently. “I’m scared.”

“Of what?”

The damn phone stopped ringing and startedback up again.

“It could be Dylan. I can’t deal with himright now. God knows what he’ll say. When we were kids, he didn’t like merunning around Jason that much so he sure as hell won’t be happy about thosephotos if he sees them.”

“What if it’s Jason?” she asked.

That was even worse. “Well, if it’s him,what if he’s angry?”

“At you?” She frowned.

“Doesn’t matter at who.”

Thrusting her mug at me, she rose up.“You’re being ridiculous.”

Both mugs in my hand, I yelled after her.“Char, don’t look! I don’t want to know. Please.”

“Too late,” she said. Keeping her eyes onme, she leaned against the door frame and answered my phone.

“Hi, Jason. No, I’m Olive’s friend,Charlotte.”

Making a sad face at her, I shook my headand whispered, “I’m not here. Out! Out! I’m gone. Say I vanished.”

Charlotte rolled her eyes. “Uh huh. Yes,she is right here. Of course. Take care of yourself.”

I groaned loudly.