Page 62 of To Love Jason Thorn

“You, my lovely friend, are going to waituntil Jason calls you,” she said.

“What makes you think he’ll call?”

“His people must’ve seen this already. Trustme, he’ll call you when he sees it.”


It was three hours later and I was loungingon the couch with my laptop glued to my fingers.

Someone unlocked the door and my head flewup. Seeing that it was just Char, I greeted her.

“Hey. You’re home early.”

“Yeah, Professor Kindley had an emergencyand ended class early.” Tossing her handbag and her notebooks into her room,she came to sit next to me. “What are you doing?”

“Blankly staring at the screen.”

“Nothing new, huh?”

“Nope. I start writing a few pages, butthen I go back and delete everything I wrote. I think I might be a one-hitwonder. It’s like all my creative juices just dried up. Or maybe I was nevercreative in the first place, and the one I wrote was just a fluke.”

“I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work that way,Olive,” Char said as she started massaging her temples.


“Yeah. I haven’t been feeling well eversince I opened my eyes.”

“You want me to cook some chicken soup foryou?”

“Nah, I’m good. Thanks though. Do you haveany idea of what you want to write, or you just can’t find the first words?”

“Oh, I’m finding the first words, alright,but I can’t get into the story and end up just tossing the whole thing.”

She looked at me with her bright blue eyes.“Then it isn’t the right story for you to write. You’ll know when it’s theright one.”

“I’m not so sure about that. My fingers areitching to write, but I have absolutely nothing. Nada.”

“Let me know if I can help you withanything. Plotting or otherwise.”

I put my laptop down on the floor and gotup. “I’m going to make you tea.” I said over my shoulder. “Your voice isstarting to crack.”

She groaned and reached for my laptop.

“Did Jason call about the photos yet?”

“Nope.” I filled the kettle with water and whilewaiting for it to boil, I opened the cupboard to choose from the teas we had. “Doyou want herbal tea or just regular black tea?”

“I’ll have herbal tea, please.” Shewhistled softly. “You should see the comments on these photos.”

I looked up to see Char scrolling throughthe photos again. Taking down two mugs, I put the tea bags in them. “They’retalking shit?”

“No,” she replied, looking over hershoulder. “Actually they think you guys look adorable together. More than a fewsay you are his new girlfriend, a new actress or something.”

I snorted. “I’m adding honey to your teaand I don’t want to hear any complaints about it.” Char hated honey with apassion; whenever she got sick we had to practically force it down her throat.I reached for the boiling water and poured it in our mugs.

“Thanks, mother Olive.”

“You’re welcome, beautiful child of mine.”Grabbing the mugs, I walked back to the couch and handed her the herbal tea.