Megan just kept going. “And how she is theauthor of the adaptation... Well, everything will fall into place even easierthan we expected. No one will assume your marriage is fake. All they’ll see istwo friends falling in love after seeing each other again after so many years. Thepublic will love the story. It’s the perfect cover, Jason, and you know it.”
“No, Megan. No matter how perfect this allsounds to you, I won’t use Olive. No.”
“Who said you’ll be using her? Your PR teamwill be using your story. Not you. She is your friend isn’t she? Wouldn’t shewant to help you? You’re already friends, so what if you live in the same housefor a few years?”
“She is right, Jason,” Tom jumped in. “Idon’t think Olive would mind helping you, and I’m sure you remember what I toldyou about the book… I think she might be more than okay with this.”
I dropped my head into my hands. Olive, mywife? Dylan would skin me alive. Him aside, I didn’t even want to think of whather parents would think of me.
“Here.” Tom handed me the tablet again.“Look at these photos and tell me I’m not right.”
“The chemistry between you two speaks foritself, Jason. You already look half in love with her in these. It wouldn’ttake much to make people believe that you married for the right reasons,” saidMegan.
I grabbed the tablet from Tom—maybe alittle too forcefully—and glanced at the website where our photos wereplastered.
Funnily enough, we did look in love.
Yeah, I was definitely in trouble.
Chapter Fifteen
“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”
“Go away,” I groaned, tossing a pillow overto where the sound was coming from.
“You have to get up, Olive. You’re all overthe internet.”
Of course it would be Lucy trying to wakeme up. It was never the sweet Char. Why, you ask? Because Char wasn’t a cruelperson. Not like Lucy. Lucy had a real problem with people sleeping peacefully.She was a problem all on her own.
“Awesome. Goodnight,” I mumbled. I turnedmy back to her voice.
The bed sank with her weight when she satnext to my hip.
“I don’t think you’re getting it, Olive.”Her hand gripped my shoulder and she forcefully turned me on my back. She alsohad the power of a she-hulk even though she was only five foot three.
“I don’t want to get it. My head hurts,Lucy,” I pleaded, narrowing my eyes at her as I slowly pulled the covers overmy face. “Come back in a few hours and I’ll listen to whatever you want. I’lleven nod.”
“Fine. I guess you don’t care that yourcozy pictures…with Jason Thorn…are plastered all over the internet.”
“What?” I shouted as I sat up a little toofast for my poor brain. “Ow, ow, ow.”
“Here.” She placed her laptop on my lap andwaited for me to take a look with an annoyingly awake and excited face.
As I scrolled down, with each picture Isaw, my eyes got bigger and bigger.
“Holy shit,” I mumbled when I started toread the article.
“I know, right? You’re gonna have JasonThorn’s dimpled babies. I’m gonna be the cool aunt. I’ll babysit. I’ll come andwatch your half-naked husband while I’m babysitting.”
I laughed; granted, it was a little forced,but it still counted as a laugh. “Are you on something?” I scrolled through thepictures again. I couldn’t stop looking. “What are you talking about?”
She looked at me as if I was stupid, thensighed and made herself comfortable in my bed—again—by lying down besideme.
“You have to stop getting in bed with me,”I mumbled, trying to push her off the bed.
“He is in love with you, you are in lovewith him. This is happening.” She brushed her palms together. “My dreams arecoming true!”