Page 61 of To Love Jason Thorn

“Your dreams? Please, tell me whatyou’re on so I can make it my life mission to join you in la-la land one day.”

“Oh, shut up.” A sneaky maneuver and shewas right under the covers with me, stealing my pillow. I pushed at her legsand got down from the bed.

“What am I gonna do?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not Jason who looks in love in thesephotos, Lucy, it’s me! Can’t you see that?”


“And he’ll never talk to me again. Dylanwill lose his head when he sees these.”

“Clearly you’ve gone blind from typing awayat all hours on your laptop.” She rolled her eyes and made herself even morecomfortable on my bed. “You both look smitten with each other.”

“Babe?” I heard a voice right outside my door.I made my eyes go as big as they could.

“Jameson? Again?” I mouthed to Lucy.

Then Jameson’s head peaked in.

“Oh, here you are.” He didn’t even knock! “Ithought I heard your voice.” He opened the door wider, and I got a good look athis naked chest, and then lower…

“Oh god! Jameson, your penis!” I screamed,my eyes hurting. “Put some clothes on for fuck’s sake!” I groaned as I coveredmy eyes with my hand.

“Oh, hi, Olive. I didn’t see you behind thedoor.” He laughed. “I thought Lucy had sneaked into your room to get somesleep.”

I peeked through my fingers. Lucy was justlounging in the bed, enjoying the view with a satisfied smirk on her face. ThenI glanced at Jameson; I tried not to look down, but well, isn’t it alwaysimpossible to do that? Well at least he was covering his man parts with hishand, not that he was doing a good job of it.

I groaned louder.

“Babe, I have an early class. If you’regood, I’m leaving.”

She shrugged and Jameson winked at her.

“Congrats on the book, Olive. Can’t wait tosee the movie.”

“Thanks,” I muttered, looking over hisshoulder instead of in his eyes. When Jameson finally left and I heard Lucy’sdoor open and close, I turned back to look at Lucy. Her hair was all mussed upand she had a mischievous grin on her face.

She wiggled her eyebrows. “He has a goodsize on him, doesn’t he? Which is why we don’t call it a ‘penis’ like you just did.That’s almost like an insult.”

I shook my head. She was impossible…but,yeah, he did have a good size on him. Good for her. “Is that why youmade him your boy toy?”

“And you wouldn’t? Didn’t you see the sizeof his monster just a minute ago? And those tattoos? Damn…even thinking aboutit is ma—”

“If you finish that sentence, I’m going todeck you, Lucy.”

She laughed and opened her arms. “Do yourbest, mystery beauty.”

I groaned and leaned my back against thedoor, just in case. I didn’t want to have a second look at Jameson’s man parts.

“What am I gonna do?”


“What do you mean nothing?”

She shrugged and patted the bed. I walkedover and sat down, trying not to fidget any more than I already was.