A small, helpless growl escaped from mylips. “Yes?”
She smiled, but her eyes were still closedwhen she asked, “Will you stay in Dylan’s room again? I know you were hisfriend and not mine, but I used to get so excited when you stayed over. Evenafter you broke my heart, I couldn’t hate you. Not really.”
Thinking she was talking about me leavingafter my mother’s suicide, I sat down on the bed and brushed away the fewpieces of hair that were covering her face.
Looking around the room, I saw a neatlyfolded blue throw on the edge of her bed. Since I knew it would be damn nearimpossible to lift her from the bed and get her under the covers, I opted touse the throw to at least cover her legs.
Instead of leaving like I should’ve done, Itook a minute to watch over her. Then I leaned down and brushed a small kiss onher temple. “I’m sorry for breaking your heart, sweetheart. I never meant tohurt any of you.”
Trying to be quiet so I wouldn’t wake herup, I hesitated to leave once I was at the door. Her breathing had deepened andshe looked like my Olive.
Not mine mine…but still…maybe… Oh, Iwas fucked…
I wasn’t ready to admit it aloud, but Imight have liked touching her bare skin a lot more than I should have, both atthe parking lot and just then.
Either way, I wasn’t in trouble. Ishouldn’t be.
At least not yet.
Hollywoodheartthrob Jason Thorn spotted getting cozy with a mystery beauty
Justweeks ago, the movie star shocked everyone when the back-alley footage of himand Jennifer Widner, 25, having a quickie was revealed all over the mediaoutlets. While it was taken down rather quickly, it’s not something we’llforget any time soon.
However,in these photos, Jason Thorn, 26, seems to have forgotten all about his costarJennifer, and his alleged Canada quickie, who was all over the tabloids justlast week. While we have yet to identify the young woman in these intimate pictures,Jason seems completely enraptured with her.
An eyewitnessclaimed: ‘Her shirt looked completely ruined and Jason was helping her out ofit in the parking lot. We thought they were about to get busy right there inthe open—the heat between them was that palpable. While she looked a littleflustered, they couldn’t take their eyes off of each other. After she had theshirt on, Jason caressed her stomach. We were shocked when Jason Thorn justbacked off after the short but intimate touch. They looked completely in love witheach other.’
Afterseeing these snaps of the pair, our team agrees, especially the one where Jasonis greeting the mystery woman with a kiss on her temple. Anyone else swooning?
Therumors are still circulating that Jason has lost two major roles because of hissexcapades making the rounds. However, he doesn’t seem too worried about it.Wouldn’t you agree?
The pairwas photographed leaving together, but our sources say they didn’t head toJason Thorn’s pad in Bel Air.
So far wehaven’t heard anything back from Jason’s reps. Do you think this is justanother fling where the mystery woman will end up in another alley with JasonThorn? Or does it look like the movie star is changing his ways for the lady inquestion? It would definitely be a first, don’t you think? Either way, we’llkeep you in the loop.
Chapter Fourteen
“What are you doing here at eight in themorning, Megan?” I half-growled as she entered my house. “I thought our meetingwas at twelve o’clock.” Rubbing my eyes, I tried to focus on her as her heelssnapped with efficiency down the hallway and into the living area. She lookedway too ready to start her day, where I was still hoping to get rid of herquickly so I could get back to bed.
“You haven’t been online,” she guessedcorrectly and dropped her purse on the ottoman.
“I was sleeping, Megan. In fact, I’m stillsleeping. Can’t this wait until our meeting?”
“I’m afraid not.” Bending, she fished herphone out of her bag. “You might want to put something on. Not all of us wantto see you half-naked in the early morning.” She waved her hand at my bodydismissively.
I yawned and looked down at my naked chest.
“What is this about? I’m still keeping itin my pants if that’s what you came here to check.”
She texted someone on her phone, put itdown, and picked up another one of her phones. It was too early to handle her.
“Tom will be here in a few minutes,” shesaid, not looking up from her phone.
“Great,” I yawned again. “Just what Ineeded at this hour, both of your faces up in my—”
“Stop whining and go change while I make acall. I’ll let Tom in.”