Page 56 of To Love Jason Thorn

“Jason?” she asked, her voice all drowsyand sexy.


“Yeah, it’s me, sweetheart. Can you walk ifI help you?”

Her face still confused, she almost toppleddown the seat when she tried to take a step out into thin air.

“Whoa, easy there,” I said, gripping herwaist. Her dress had ridden up and it seemed insistent on flashing me her whitelacy underwear. “O-kay. I think it’s way past your bed time, Olive. How aboutyou give me a little help so I can get you up while you are still intact.”

“What are you doing here?” she asked, hereyes half closed.

I locked the car, sneaked my arm around herwaist, and half carried her up to their apartment as she hung on to me.

When we were finally inside, I had troublelocating the light switch and eventually gave up on it altogether. Fuckeyesight, especially when my friend’s sister was almost half-naked in my arms.

“Olive? Are you awake enough to tell mewhich room is yours?”


“Sweetheart,” I mumbled, taking her weightas she rested her head against my chest. I gripped her chin and tilted her headup. Her eyes opened.

“Jason.” She looked at me as if she wasseeing me for the first time. There was that smile again.

“Hi there,” I said, brushing away her bangsfrom her face.

She put both of her hands on my chest andhiccupped. “Hi.”

I chuckled and held her up as her kneesbuckled. Regaining her balance, she looked around for a moment then turned herhuge eyes at me. “What are you doing in here?”

“Came to drop you off. Can you show me yourroom?”

She lifted her hand and pointed to herleft.

“Where are Lucy and Charlotte?”

“They’re still back at the bar, remember? Peoplewere starting to notice me so I had to leave with you. I’m sure they’ll be heresoon enough.”

She half shrugged and yawned through themotion.

We entered her room and I stopped short. Thiswas her room? Just a bed against the wall? Not that she had any space foranything else, but still. Glancing to my right, I saw a small dresser in thecorner, but that sad piece of furniture didn’t even count.

“Sorry,” she said in a small voice. I hadno idea how she’d guessed where my thoughts were, but she hit it right on the nose.“Considering where you live, this apartment”—she gestured to her room with herhand—“this room must look very small to you.”

“Come on,” I said, ignoring her words. Assoon as I lowered her on the bed, she grunted and fell to her side.

“Can you put my legs on the bed? Please? Idon’t think I have it in me to lift my arms and get undressed.”

“Believe me, that’s good news for me,” Imuttered quietly and kneeled next to her bed. I didn’t think it would be wiseof me to deal with a half-naked Olive. Pulling the high heels off of her feet,I gently gripped her ankles and lifted them up.

Either way, she didn’t need to getundressed; her legs were right there for all to see. As if that wasn’t enoughtorture, she stretched her arms, groaned, and started to turn her hips this wayand that way, causing her dress to shimmy up. Leaning over her, I pulled theedge of her dress down a little and my knuckles caressed the soft skin of herthighs.

A soft moan escaped her lips and I froze. Iwas fascinated by the goose bumps that had appeared on her legs after the smallcontact. While I was distracted by that soft moan and her legs, she choseexactly that moment to flip onto her stomach and hug her pillow.

“Goddamn it!” I cursed as I tried to pullout my hand from underneath her. When I finally managed to do so after palmingplaces I shouldn’t even get close to, I let out a long breath and straightenedup.

Then I saw her round ass. “Oh, for god’ssake…”

“Jason,” she mumbled when I was stillstaring at her sleeping form.