“Can you give Daddy a few minutes?” he asked Penelope and set her down.

“Okay,” Penelope said. “Then crackers and tea.”

She turned and lifted an eyebrow. “I thought it was milk and cookies,” she said when they were alone.

“Get that grin off your face,” he said. “We do both. Or a combination. She gets milk and I get tea. Most times it’s animal crackers. Janelle gives her cookies when I’m not around. It’s a game we play.”

“Like the swan dive into your arms?” she asked.

“She likes it when I catch her. Her favorite is being carried like a football and then yelling touchdown when I put her on her feet.”

“I have to see that,” she said. “Please.”

“Why?” he asked. “I don’t picture you as the kid type.”

She started to laugh. “Are you kidding me? I’ve been babysitting and changing diapers and watching kids since I was out of diapers myself. I can hold it all over my younger brothers I’ve seen them with their pants off too. Shuts them up every single time. But you are the one that doesn’t look like the kid type.”

He laughed at her. “Good point.”

“She’s a cutie,” she said.

“No comment on her glasses?”

“Why would I? Other than I’ve never seen a child that little in them, but I know it happens. How many pairs does she have? Those matched her shoes and shirt. I bet she accessorizes.”

He grunted. “More pairs than I can count. I want her to have fun with them so she wears them. She has a few different styles, but they are all plastic and flexible so she doesn’t break them. It’s not the cost as much as her getting upset if it happens. She literally can’t see without them.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how hard that had to be to diagnose. How did you figure it out?”

“Janelle caught on more than me,” he said. “I thought there was something seriously wrong with her development. She just couldn’t pick things up when I pointed to them. Or she’d reach and miss until she got it. When she was feeding herself, the panic set in.”

“She was missing her mouth?” she asked softly. Laken couldn’t imagine the thought of worrying there was something wrong with your child.

“Yeah. She’d put her bottle to her cheek and then cry out because she couldn’t understand why she couldn’t get it. The same with finger foods. Janelle is a retired elementary school teacher. She’d taught just about every grade at some point.”

“Not just a nanny but almost home schooling,” she said. “Smart. But you did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

“Actually, no. My agent and attorney were helping me try to find someone. A friend of a friend recommended her. I needed someone loyal first and foremost. She’s divorced and has one adult child that she rarely sees due to his job. This was perfect for her.”

“Sounds like it was a match made in heaven,” she said.

“I like to think it.”

“I should get out of your way,” she said. Before her heart softened even more and her lady parts got drenched. Who would have thought a sexy man with a toddler would be such a turn-on?

“I can show Penelope the pictures if you want and see what she picks if you’ve got some time. Then you can bring them back with you.”

“You think she’s going to let me take them back?” she asked. “I figured you’d just email her choices.”

“You’re probably right, but you can stay if you want. I know you’re busy.”

She had meetings set for this afternoon but time enough. “I’d love to,” she said.

“Follow me,” he said.

She walked with him toward the back of the house and into the kitchen where Penelope was sitting in a chair with a cup of milk in front of her and some cut-up grapes.

“I couldn’t wait, Daddy. I’m hungry.”