“It’s okay,” he said. “I know you’ve been playing and it’s almost lunchtime.”

She looked at her watch. Yep, she’d be eating at her desk for sure at this point. Maybe.

“I want pancakes for lunch,” Penelope said.

“Oh, yum,” Laken said. “Those are the best.”

“You like pancakes?” Penelope asked her.

“I do,” she said. “I love anything I don’t have to cook.”

“I can make some pancakes quickly,” Janelle said.

Janelle was looking at Jamie and he nodded his head, then turned to Laken. “It might take Penelope time to decide. Might as well eat while you do this.”

“Sure,” she said.

“Why don’t you take your jacket off,” he said.

She did and placed it over the chair at the table off to the side of the massive kitchen. Jamie opened the folder and set it down.

“Guess what, Penelope?”

“What, Daddy?”

“We are going to play a game.”

“I love games,” Penelope said, clapping her hands.

How could this guy be the same one that took a beating on the field and got back up and chest bumped the man who took him down and urged him to try it again?

Or the one out late nights in clubs with half-naked women on his arm?

No one would believe it.

She was having a hard time believing it herself.

Why would he not want people to see this side of him?

And then she reminded herself that West didn’t want anyone to see him either. Those were private thoughts and interactions with those you care for.

Which didn’t explain why Jamie was sharing this with her.

“We are going to pick out your favorites,” he said. “You can only have six though.”

Penelope pouted. “Not all?”

“Nope. Six it is,” he said.

“Six is better than one,” Janelle said. “Right, Penelope?”

“It’s better than two and three and four,” Penelope said.

“Wow,” she said. “She knows her numbers.”

“She’s a smart one,” Janelle said from where she was getting ready to pour batter into a pan.

“Just like her Daddy,” Laken said.