They’d had dinner earlier. Spaghetti and meatballs that Penelope had requested. Nothing that took a lot of work since Janelle had made the sauce and meatballs before they left.
When the food was spread out on the table, he went back to his beer. He’d be having it in the family room off the kitchen if Janelle weren’t here, but she didn’t like sitting with him in there. She always stayed in the kitchen area or upstairs in the loft.
He hated that she felt as if she had to separate the spaces.
“Why don’t we go in the family room?” he asked.
“Nope,” Janelle said. “I like sitting here.”
“Tell me why?” he asked. He had to know what he was missing.
She sighed. “Jamie. I’m your employee.”
“You’re more than that and you know it.”
“I probably am, but I don’t want to ever cross the line when it comes to raising your daughter.”
“You couldn’t. I listen to you and your advice.”
“You do,” Janelle said. “But you don’t always follow it and that is your choice. I honor what you want even when I don’t agree. If I felt too comfortable here I’m personally afraid I’d dishonor your wishes and don’t want that. The boundaries are for me, not you.”
Made sense. If anyone knew boundaries it was him.
“What don’t you agree with?” he asked.
“Oh no,” Janelle said. “We aren’t doing this. I tell you if I feel strongly about things. And then you and I both know I sneak things and you allow me to do it. We’ll just keep it as it is.”
His nanny sipped her coffee and smirked at him over the rim of her cup. “Cookies,” he said.
“Every child should be able to splurge,” Janelle said. “The more you tell a child no, the more they wonder why that is the answer. Especially if they see others doing it.”
“Which is why you are allowed to sneak them to her and I get to be the bad Dad.”
“I don’t know that Penelope will ever think of you as the bad Dad.”
“She will,” he said. “When she’s a teen and has a bodyguard to keep the boys away.”
Janelle and he laughed. He might not be joking though.
No reason to add that.
Two hours later, he was getting ready for bed. Janelle had left at nine when he’d finished his beer and they’d cleaned up the food they’d snacked on.
Once she was in her house off to the side, he’d shut all the lights off and set the alarms.
He was down to his underwear and crawling into bed, not the least bit tired though it felt as if he’d barely slept much in days.
He liked his own bed and always did.
He had a lot on his mind when he tried to not have that happen.
At the top of that list was Laken Carlisle.
Before he could think twice about another thing, he picked up his phone and drafted a text.