Keeping to the wall, I get to the bottom of the stairs. The corridor bends to the left and right, going into what I assume is a circle around a central chamber. I see cuts in the stone of the outer wall at even intervals. My pulse spikes again. I flex my hands and then ball them into fists. These are glassless windows, I’m sure of it. I’ll be able to peek through them and see what is going on down there.
The fifteen or so feet to the closest hole take forever. I’m extra careful, throwing a look over my shoulder to make sure no one is sneaking up on me while I’m sneaking up on the orgy-enjoyers. The chanting voices are all around me now, breathy and hissy and low, with occasional moan-like pitches in timbre that go straight to my cock.
As a sex fantasy, it would totally work, I suppose. This setting. Being tied to a stone altar with pentagrams and candles around it while a certain green-eyed individual rearranged my insides in front of a bunch of cult minions.
I suppress a groan, palming myself so I can adjust my eager dick. Now is not the time to get a hard-on. I have a mission. I can jerk off afterwards when I’m back to the safety of the library’s upper floors.
Slowly, I pull myself up from my crouched position and peer at the vaulted chamber below. It’s massive. The walls are covered in those red glowing runes and so is the floor and there is an honest-to-god altar in the middle with something on it. Seven robbed forms surround it, each one with the hood up. They are humming that strange chant and waving gleaming sleek objects in the air. I think they are knives, but from up here it’s hard to say or get a good angle for a compromising video.
So I head down the sloping corridor.
Now, I know this is a bad idea. But I am also desperate. I have nowhere to live. I have no money. My hockey career is in danger. All my belongings are in the suitcases and duffle I left by the ancient door. Yes, I have my rockstar Plan B, but while I like music, it’s not hockey. The rink is my passion. I want to make it and prove to everyone and myself that I have what it takes even if life keeps throwing fucking mutant lemons at me.
I reach an archway opening. Preparing my phone, I approach it, the video rolling. My eyes go wide, my stomach twisting. The thing on the table is a person. A woman. She’s sprawled naked on top and her wrists and ankles have been cut. Blood is dripping in four ornamented buckets that are already two-thirds full.
Oh my god, I’m going to throw up. This really is some crazy sect.
But I can’t leave yet. I need at least one of the faces on video, or I can’t blackmail anyone. As if on cue, the figure by her left hand takes off their hood. It’s a woman with glowing green eyes that are almost the same as Leander’s, but lighter. She says something in a hissy staccato voice, baring her teeth that somehow look too long and too sharp.
Before my brain can comprehend that part, she bends down and sinks them in the bleeding woman’s wrist.
I gasp, my eyes wide and my heart lurching in my throat. Seven heads snap my way, pinning me with green eyes and snarling their sharp white teeth. Oh, fuck me. Of all the things I could run into it had to be a cult of crazies with prosthetic teeth that think they are vampires.
“Uh, sorry, don’t mind me,” I say, stepping backwards. “I, uh, was looking for the restrooms, but I must’ve gotten lost. I’m just going to…” I hook a finger over my shoulder. “Do continue, please. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
I don’t wait to get a reply. I don’t wait to see what they might do. I bolt like my life depends on it, because at this moment, it very much feels that way. I have the video, and I caught all of their faces on it, so once I am not in danger of being the next meal for these psychopaths, I can figure out exactly what to do with the evidence.
Growling and snarling and hissing sounds behind me, spurring me faster. The shadows around me dance wildly on the stone walls and then swallow the corridor whole as a gust of icy wind howls past me and extinguishes all the candles.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
I run faster, taking the steps two-three at a time and praying I won’t trip. Okay, this was incredibly stupid of me. But I really thought it might be some orgy where the college director and his cronies wear piggy masks and fuck underage students.
An animal-like wail splits the air, the temperature dropping even further. I shiver and shudder, my hackles rising and my chest burning as I fight to keep breathing and run even faster. I see the metal door, a sigh of relief surging through me. It’s just the stairs left. Once I am back in the hall with the offices, I’ll ring the fire alarm. It will activate the emergency lights, which will guide me right out of that maze of corridors.
You got this, Hayden. Just a bit more.
I reach the door. Grabbing the edge, I propel myself forward with a boost of speed. And then I crash into someone.
Strong arms catch me before my brain has had the time to command my body to yank away, wrapping around my waist in a restraining embrace. I yelp and try to shove free, banging my fists against the firm chest of my captor. The hissing and the growling cease abruptly. My body goes rigid, cold sweat covering me from head to toe as I feel the seven lunatics spill out of the antique door. They surround me and my captor, their green eyes positively glowing as prickly icicles spread under my skin.
“You are late. And we have an intruder,” a woman with red hair snarls, clicking her teeth at me.
I try my best to shove my captor away, but he’s relentless, keeping me trapped with such ease I am reminded of the way I was manhandled last night at the worst possible moment. Leather and earth suddenly invade my nostrils, engulfing me in an all-consuming sensation that rips an obscene moan out of me. Hands slide down from my waist to my ass and I am pressed against my captor, his hard dick brushing against mine.
“Do we now?” he says in a voice like honey and silk. It reverberates through me and hijacks all my senses, lighting every nerve ending on fire.
I snap my head up and stare at his mesmerizing eyes, drowning in them almost immediately as that unmistakable emerald green of Leander’s devours me whole. His lips curve up on one side, revealing sharp canines just like those of the seven lunatics. He drags his tongue over them, the sensuality of the act so potent I forget my life is in danger. Because, fuuuuuck, I want that tongue in my mouth and across my body. If I’m going to die here, I can at least get another mind-blowing round of sex with him, right? I don’t mind if the crazies watch us either.
Leander leans in, dragging one hand up from my ass to my chin. It grabs me roughly, like I’m something he owns, and tilts my head to the side. His lips seal against mine and I groan as his tongue pushes past them. Yes, fuuuck, I need this. It feels so fucking right. His taste explodes in my mouth, and I am reduced to a moaning, gasping mess as he kisses me deep and dirty.
The world narrows down to us, to the way my body floods with desire and liquid fire. I roll my hips, I can’t help it, my arms coming around him so I can bring him even closer. I’ve been trying not to think about him all day, to resist the urge, not to give in, but he’s here now, taking that choice away from me as if he knows it’s exactly what I want.
My heart is still stuck in my throat when he ends the kiss, my cock solid and aching between us. Leander wipes the saliva from my lips and licks it, then brings his mouth to my ear.
Nipping the lobe gently, he whispers, “Now be a good boy for me, Hayden. It’s in your upmost interest and not just because of the reward I have in mind.”
Yes, fuck yes, I’ll be the goodest boy that ever bested.