Page 17 of Pucking Vamps

I’m still in danger, I know that in some part of my brain. But Leander is here and promises everything will be fine if I do as he says. I believe him. I don’t know why, but I do. He clearly knows these people—hell, it looks like he might be into the same weird shit like them—so maybe he can convince them to let this little incident pass. I’ll even delete the video… from my phone, that is. The version that’s already in the cloud… Well, they don’t need to know about that.

I nod, or try to, but Leander’s hand slips between us and gives my rigid cock a squeeze, pulling out of me a whimpering groan.

“My apologies, Elders. I did tell him to wait for me. This one’s mine and a little rebellious.”

I shiver in delight at the proclamation. The way Leander’s hand kneads into my ass tells me he doesn’t miss it.

“Yours? I was not aware of such a development,” another woman—this one looking a little older, but still as beautiful as the red-haired one—hisses, baring her teeth at me.

Man, they really are taking their vampire cosplay way too seriously. These must’ve cost a fortune.

“Now you are,” Leander clips, authority dripping from his voice.

The group of weirdos hum and click tongues, making exasperated noises.

“Make sure this doesn’t happen again. Now can we get back to feeding?” a deep male voice says. “Introductions can wait until afterwards or the blood will go cold.”

Leander dips his head. “Certainly.”

A scoff comes from the right. “Make sure you aren’t late again. You know Claudius hates waiting.”

The moment the seven people go back into the creepy stone corridor, I seek out Leander’s eyes. “Um, can you maybe let me go? No offence, but your friends are real creeps. I promise I won’t say a word to anyone.”

Leander chuckles, studying my face. “You didn’t seem all that scared when I had my tongue in your mouth.”

I wrinkle my nose. “This and that are two different things.”

“Ah. So you weren’t aroused while sneaking where you shouldn’t even be?”

I blink at him, wide-eyed. I can deny it, obviously, but I’m more curious about what his response would be if I played along. Besides, I still have no idea what just went down, and thus no clue what to do or how to act so I don’t end up on that altar.

“How do you know that?”

The glow in his eyes intensifies, sending zapping sparks down my spine.

“And seriously, what’s with your cosplay? Fangs and glowing eyes? Really? What, do you guys identify as vampiresexuals or something?”

He hums, finally loosening his grip. But he doesn’t let go of me; his fingers are still wrapped around my wrist firmly. Smart. I’d have probably legged it otherwise.

“Well?” I urge, trying not to think about the fact that he’s herding me back toward that stone chamber and not up the stairs toward safety.

He snaps his fingers and the candles come to life. “Is that really what you think? That we are cosplaying as vampires?”

I frown. Of course I do. I mean, what else could it be? The woman with the bleeding wrists looked damn real, I’ll give them that, but for all I know, she’s a life-size doll and the blood was colored corn syrup.

“Nice trick, but motion sensors are a thing. Besides, what, are you suggesting vampires are real and you are one? That’s just ridiculous.”

He perches an eyebrow and picks me up. We are at one of the wall holes in a blur, the massive vaulted chamber opening up in front of me. The seven weirdos are back around the altar, their heads tipped up as they stare our way. An eighth one I didn’t notice before is leaning against a marble column, smoking a cigar. He’s also looking at us.

Leander steps into the opening. The drop is at least fifty feet. My blood freezes, my arms wrapping around his neck. “Uh, what are you doing?”

“You were not supposed to see this, Hayden. Humans are not meant to find this place.”


He jumps. I scream, my life flashing in front of me. Fuck, I wish I’d eaten that chocolate cake. The one I promised myself I’d buy for my birthday. And ridden his cock. Yep, I definitely wish I’d fucked Leander at least once more.

I squeeze my eyes shut just as we are about to crash. But the pain and agony I expect don’t come, and instead, Leander lands with impossible grace. His body absorbs the impact and then just expels the force of it like it’s no biggie.