Meyer’s hard face broke into a cruel smile. “You sneaky bastard.”

Bridger knew he wasn’t forgiven for the way he’d acted, but at least for now, Meyer would forget why he was angry. “So yes, watch your back a little more than usual today. I suspect Khort will be acting out of rage instead of using his lizard-sized brain.”

Meyer backed away. “It’s been a while since I got the chance to go toe-to-toe with the shifter. Send him my way, would ya?”

Bridger chuckled. “Only if he doesn’t come for me first.” He watched Meyer turn to leave, but after reliving the night Meyer barged into the cabin before he and the bonded were taken prisoner, Bridger had been dying to ask him a question.

“Hey, Meyer,” Bridger called, waiting for him to turn around.

He faced his commander. “Yeah?”

“The night you found me in that cabin with Vega and the others, did you know my father was following you?” Bridger didn’t allow his voice to rise much above a whisper. He'd never asked, choosing to avoid questions he might not want honest answers to.

Meyer took a moment to respond, which Bridger took as admission in itself. But then he spoke. “No.” He paused momentarily. “I picked my side before coming to you that night, but you deserved to have that choice too.”

Bridger stared at Meyer, his best friend, his brother. He didn’t expect the next piece of information to fall from his lips.

“They were going to let you stay with them, with Vega. Our parents were going to name me commander, but Marlena wouldn’t allow it. That was the night she killed your father, a week before she captured you for torture.”


Is that someone at the door? Vega groaned, pulling the thick cover over her head when the noise echoed through the room again. “Five more minutes.” The door creaked open and then closed with a click before someone crossed the room and dove on top of her.

“Arlet,” Vega groaned, drawing out her name.

“How did you know it was me?” she asked, pulling the covers off Vega’s face to peek at her.

“Because who else in their right mind would jump on a girl with electricity coursing through her veins?” Vega responded, her voice deep with sleep.

“Good thing I’m not in my right mind.” Arlet poked at Vega, making her wiggle. “Come on, it’s memory day. Get up!” She ripped the covers off Vega, revealing the dress still clinging to her figure. “What the heck is this?” she asked through a laugh. “Man, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen this thing.” Arlet reached out to feel the velvety material, a pang of sadness dancing across her face.

“I got bored and played dress-up and got caught by Khort.” The memories of last night flooded in as Vega’s mind started to wake up from her sleepy fog. She went pale when she remembered the kiss. “Fuck…” Her eyes glazed over, and she buried her face in her hands. “I think I did something stupid,” she whined, peeking through her fingers at Arlet.

Her eyebrow was raised. “What did you do?”

Vega pushed herself up, propping her back against the metal bed frame. She pulled her knees up to her chest. “Promise you won’t get mad?”

“No,” Arlet answered candidly. “But now you have to tell me or I won’t let you leave this room.”

Vega let out a long sigh as she tattled on herself. She even shared the little detail of how Khort told her he loved her.

“Oh, Khort,” Arlet said with the release of a breath.

“And he walked me back to the room… and I, uh, I kissed him.” Vega watched as Arlet’s mouth dropped.

“You what?!” Arlet jolted upright, sitting on her knees. “Please tell me it was, like, a cute little peck kiss! A little thanks-for-taking-me-outside-when-you-know-Arlet-would-kill-you-for-it kinda kiss!”

Vega shook her head. “Tongue. Groping. Hands in hair. Romance novel level kiss.”

“Fuck, Vega.” Arlet put her head in her hands. “Why would you do that?”

“Because I’m a glutton for punishment!” Vega pulled a pillow up and pressed it to her face. “Don’t yell at me. I’m sorry. I know it was stupid, but I was drunk and he’s so good-looking… and he’s been all strong and commanding during our training sessions that I just… I don’t know. I kinda wanted it?” She continued to hide behind the pillow until Arlet snatched it out of her hands and tossed it across the room.

“No. No. You’re not allowed to do that to Khort. You can’t use him as a play toy.”

Vega felt as if she were being scolded by a parent. “That wasn’t my intention. I’m not some kind of temptress luring him to his death. It was a kiss. I’m sure he understands it was just a drunken mistake.”

Arlet stood up, eyebrows pressed inward. “Vega,” she said with an exasperated huff. “The man confessed his love for you. He’s been in love with you since we were ten.”