Vega stood up too, feeling silly in the ballgown next to Arlet in her gear. “It was a mistake, and it won’t happen again. It’s not like I have any memories of who he is to me yet. I was drunk and horny.”

“You need to use better judgment with him, and I’m not saying that you can’t be with him if that’s what you want, but that’s a decision you need to make when you know the full truth of your relationships in this realm. Not after a drunk night where your adrenaline is high from sneaking out.”

Vega puffed air through her lips in a sigh. “You’re right. I know you’re right. He stopped me. Said that it would mean more to him than it does to me.”

“He’s right.” The sadness in Arlet’s tone stood out against the silence in the room.

“I’m sorry.”

“I don’t think it’s me who deserves an apology.”

She’s right, you fucking idiot. Vega nodded. “Yeah.”

“Get dressed. We’re leaving in half an hour.” The door clicked shut, leaving Vega alone in her room to sulk into the shower.

After she was dry, Vega wiggled into her suit. The clothing was starting to feel tight around her legs and hips. The training was putting some weight back on her body, filling her out in places Vega had always envied on other women.

Looking at herself in the mirror while she braided a few strands of wet hair seemed harder than usual. There was shame hidden behind those bright eyes of hers this morning—she couldn’t stop imagining what it would feel like when she got her memories back and the full effect of kissing Khort set in.

Along with everything else.

The braids held the hair out of her eyes, the rest drying in waves behind her back. Vega opened her door, looking behind her in hopes this wouldn’t be the last time she was in her room. Vega shook her head, knowing she’d be back tonight—a whole new person.

Would she be happy with the Vega she saw in the mirror then?

She closed the consuming thoughts inside with the rest of her worries.

There were people in the halls, going about their lives like any other day. They nodded, waved, stared—some going as far as to stop and watch as she went by.

I’ll never get used to this. Being watched.

Vega heard his voice before she saw him.

“We’ll be back before dinner. Don’t worry.” Khort had a mellow smile on his face, a blonde girl with dark roots smiling up at him with a gleam in her midnight blue eyes. “We used this witch last time, and everything went smoothly.” As if he could feel Vega’s presence, his head snapped forward, and all of his attention shifted to her. “Vega!” he called, waving her over.

Shit. Vega bit her lip, forcing a smile on her face to hide the awkwardness simmering beneath the surface. Their eyes met, and her stomach fluttered at the memory of her lips on his.

“Morning!” Her reply sounded overly chipper and forced. It’s going to be a long day.

“How did you sleep?” he asked as Vega closed the distance between them.

“Good,” she hummed.

The girl next to Khort cleared her throat, stepping forward to draw attention to herself. “Hi, I’m Quinley.” She held her hand out.

Vega took it, giving her a solid handshake. “Vega. Nice to meet you.” There was a palpable thread of tension pulling at the air between the three.

Quinley chuckled. “I know. I mean, we all know who you are.”

“Of course.” Vega looked down at her feet, her hair shifting to the front of her shoulders when she looked back up. “Still getting used to the whole everyone knowing me thing.”

“I’m sure it’s hard to adjust.” She bowed her head quickly and then turned to face Khort. “I should get going. Lots to do.” Quinley stood on her tiptoes and placed a quick kiss on Khort’s cheek. “See you tonight. Be safe.”

Vega looked away, keeping her jaw clenched to hide the shock shifting through her chest. Khort never once mentioned he was dating anyone—nor did anyone else. “You didn’t tell me…” She trailed off, not knowing what to say.

Khort bit the inside of his cheek. “I, um, it’s not serious.”

Vega scoffed at his response and wanted to laugh at herself for being so silly. She had too much going on to care about what he had been doing for the last fifteen years of his life. You also have absolutely no right to be jealous.