“Because you must be from Tolevarre to get to Tolevarre. If a human tried to go through, they’d probably die, and I’m not even sure they’d be able to see it anyway.”
Five minutes later, Arlet started to pay closer attention to the trees. She looked absolutely fucking insane. Vega almost laughed, but not at Arlet—at herself… for believing all of this.
“This way.” Arlet pointed, the river they followed earlier a distant noise of rushing water in the background. She finally slowed, running her hand over a tree with familiarity. “There.” Arlet gestured to a low hanging tree line, forming an arch between two of the biggest sequoias Vega had ever seen.
Vega walked closer, the moonlight causing a glimmer in the middle of the tree, a silver reflection catching her eye. For a moment she was convinced it was the moon playing tricks on her. She balled her hands into fists and rubbed her eyes. The glimmer was still there when she pulled her hands away, shimmering like a holographic card. “No. Fucking. Way.” It wasn’t just two trees with another falling too low in between. It’s real. “Pinch me.”
Arlet reached out and twisted at Vega’s skin, getting a good grip through her clothing.
“I told you,” Arlet said.
Vega turned to face Arlet, her mouth slightly ajar. “You were telling the truth… all of it.” Vega’s heart raced as she processed everything she had learned over the last few days.
“I have a pretty decent imagination, but it’s not that good.” Arlet snickered. Vega caught the wistful smile on Arlet’s face and the twinkle of longing in her eyes. “Are you ready to go home?”
“Yes. Please.” Vega marveled at the way the portal’s entrance flickered emerald and then back to silver. She cocked her head, a shadow forming in the middle. Vega took a step back, raising her hand to point. “Arlet, what’s?—”
She didn’t have time to finish the question. Arlet snatched her back, away from the portal that led to a life she couldn’t remember.
“Arlet,” Vega said again, registering the horror creeping across Arlet’s face.
“Vega, run.” Her voice was soft, filled with a dreadful crack Vega would never be able to unhear.
Vega began to panic, her heart racing at whatever could possibly be passing through the portal that would frighten Arlet so bad.
“Go, Vega! Run!” Arlet screamed, pushing Vega in the opposite direction as a large male figure stepped through the portal and onto the sodden soil. He came into focus, and over Arlet’s shoulder, Vega’s eyes landed on the most dangerously handsome man she had ever seen.
Vega’s breath caught in her throat at the realization, at the tingling feeling she got when his eyes settled on her. Her body was frozen, feet cemented to the ground, and shock unhinged her jaw.
He was more beautiful in person than he’d been in her dreams.
His broad shoulders flexed through the skintight suit he wore as he reached behind him and unsheathed a sword from his back. Another figure formed just behind him, coming into focus as Bridger’s lips spread in a crooked smile so eerie it shot chills down Vega’s spine.
She backed up, her heart hammering against her chest. Do not fucking pass out, she warned her body.
Bridger spun his long sword with terrifying grace. “Hello, Arlet, long time no see.” His deep voice was like music to her ears, but something inside of her jarred to life, reanimating her body.
Vega darted away from the portal that would take her home, leaves kicking up around her as she ran with one goal in mind: live.
She should have asked more questions about Bridger because it was glaringly obvious that he wasn’t here to assist in her safe return to Tolevarre.
“Not long enough” were the last words Vega heard Arlet speak before she was too far away to hear anything else.
Vega checked over her shoulder and took a tumble over a giant root. She collided with the dirt beneath her, the limited air from her constricted lungs whooshing through her lips.
She couldn’t hear anything over the sound of her panting breaths and the heartbeat in her ears. Vega scrambled to her feet, and when she felt like she couldn’t possibly run any further, she began to search for a downed tree to hide inside of.
After crawling into a log the size of a Volkswagen Bug, Vega hugged her knees against her chest, trying to keep the sound of her breathing low. She didn’t have time to catch up with the knowledge that everything Arlet said was true. Vega was floored. The portal was real, and all of this was no longer some fairy tale that helped her escape the reality of her shitty life.
Vega really was being hunted by an evil sister who wanted her dead.