Her breathing didn’t slow. Leaves rustled in the distance. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” Vega didn’t know the voice, but she did know it wasn’t Bridger. This man’s voice wasn’t quite as deep and had a grit to it that didn’t match Bridger’s smooth tone—she’d remember that euphonious bass anywhere, even if her only reference until this moment was from her dreams.
Why is he here? What does he want from her? Fuck, you should have asked more questions, you idiot!
His footsteps got closer. “Save us a little time, Vega! It won’t take long for Bridger to kill Arlet, and then it’ll be two against one! And let’s face it, you’re useless right now.” The crunching of leaves passed by the downed sequoia.
The idea of Arlet making it this far, this long, to die now sent Vega flying out of her hiding spot. What am I doing? She realized she’d made a mistake as soon as she came face to face with the huge man.
His skin was the color of dark umber, blending into the shadows, while his eyes glowed honey in the moonlight. He was tall, well over six feet, and broader, bulkier than Bridger’s lean build. Is everyone from this world hot?
“Don’t you fucking touch her.” Vega kept her nerve, faking a calm she didn’t actually feel as her heart continued to beat out of control.
“Ah, still the big, strong hero,” he said, an unnerving smile sliding across his face. “You look good, Sparks. A little scrawny but still as pretty as ever.”
“Fuck you.” She scowled. Vega kept her distance, ready to run until her legs and lungs gave out. Though she was certain this man could likely outrun a cheetah—she didn’t stand a chance.
“And she’s got a temper? Bridger is screwed.” He hacked a laugh, slapping his knee.
Vega took a step back, a twig snapping under her weight. She had to distract him. I have to survive. Arlet has to survive. She shot off, luring him back into the shadows.
“You did always love a good chase!” he called after her.
Vega didn’t slow her pace, pushing herself faster than she thought possible, but she was fading fast. A year of at-home workouts hadn’t prepared her for running through the forest being chased by two scary men—not to mention they were in better shape than nearly anyone Vega had ever seen in real life.
She puffed, backing herself up against a tree.
“C’mon, Vega! Don’t delay the inevitable.” He sounded close again. “We don’t want to hurt you! We just gotta get you back so your sister can.”
Vega closed her eyes and prayed to the god she didn’t believe in. I swear if you let me live, I’ll start going to church. It might be too late to pray herself out of hell.
“Where is she?” Bridger boomed, his voice echoing through the trees.
“She’s playing a little hide-and-seek with us.”
“Arlet’s out here somewhere too,” Bridger said.
Vega couldn’t see either of them when her eyes snapped open—she’d given up asking God for any help. Fuck, maybe I should pray to the Roman gods—no, wait, they’re dead. She was on her own here. Her muscles quivered from fear and fatigue, and her mouth was so dry she couldn’t swallow.
“Are you bleeding?” the man whose name she didn’t know asked.
“She broke my nose,” Bridger growled.
The crack of a bone being reset echoed through the dark forest. Vega flinched at the sound.
“Find them and let’s get the fuck out of here. Kill Arlet for all I care. Vega stays alive.”
His words sent chills down Vega’s spine. She wished she could see them and keep an eye on their movements, but all she could rely on was the sound of their footsteps against the fallen leaves.
Vega turned her head to the side, stretching to hear the retreating shuffle of footsteps when a hand clasped over her mouth. Vega thrashed, a muffled scream vibrating against the hand. The person spun her around, and Vega’s gaze landed on Arlet.
All the fear rushed from her body, and she gave Arlet a shove. “Fuck, I thought I was dead. I thought you were dead, oh my god,” she sputtered in a hushed whisper. Vega wrapped her in a giant hug—it was the only way she could keep the tears at bay.
“We need to get to the portal, okay?” Arlet whispered.
Vega nodded, looking around. She’d gotten herself so badly turned around she’d never be able to find it again without Arlet.
“Stay close, and if I tell you to run, you run and you don’t look back,” Arlet said, peeking around the tree.
“They’re going to kill you,” Vega gasped.