“You might like him but be careful girl. He’s definitely the playboy type and he doesn’t keep anybody around for long. You don’t wanna mess with that, especially working here as an intern. I know all the stories and most women who get hired here end up quitting within months because they inevitably sleep with one of the partners and get their heart broken. I saw your résumé. I’m the one who slid it through. You definitely deserve to be here so don’t let any of that big dick energy get in your way.”
I cut her off before she keeps blabbering on. “No need to worry, Kaz, I'm married. And besides that, did you see his assistant? I don't think I have to worry about him at all. He probably has girls falling all over him all the time. Why would he even look in my direction?”
“Do you mean that bleach blonde bimbo? Yeah, she definitely falls at her feet for him that’s for sure! She’s made it a bit longer than most of his assistants. Rumor is, she's trying to get the boss to wife her up eventually. I say good luck to her, the day that man puts a ring on someone's finger is the day pigs fly. But I don’t know if you’ve looked in the mirror lately. You are gorgeous and smart to top it off. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had way more than just Mr. Bolt looking in your direction. Like I said, just be careful.” She gives my hand a squeeze, and then proceeds to jerk me towards the elevator so she can show me the rest of the building.
The rest of my day flies by in a blur and before I know it, I’m walking through my door at home. The house is quiet and empty-feeling and I don’t know what else I was expecting. Maybe somebody to greet me when I’m home for my first day at work? I should know better.
It’s 5:30 PM and my stomach is growling. I haven’t eaten anything since lunch so I head through the living room to the kitchen to see about food. Nate’s voice stops me in my tracks.
“About time you got home Riley. I’m starving. What’s for dinner?”
He already has beer in his hand. I’m sure it’s probably his 10th one of the day. I don't even know if he’s moved from the couch at all since this morning. Heat flares in my neck. I can’t even help myself before I fire back.
“What do you mean, ‘what’s for dinner’?” I grit my teeth and reply. “I’ve been at work all day long. You didn’t think maybe you could figure out something to make?” His face is bright red and I know I’ve made a mistake before my sentence is finished.
“Do you think you’re better than me Riley? Who do you think took care of you all these years while you were in school? Who put food on the table to make sure you could buy all those stupid outfits for your new stupid job? I’ve been out of work for a few months and all of a sudden you think this changes things!? This changes nothing, you are still my wife and I am still the husband, the head of the household.”
He stalks towards me and grabs me by my chin, digging his nails in.
“Know your fucking place,” he shouts. Tears spring to my eyes, but I’m tired and I don’t have the energy, so I just nod my head and look down, hoping his anger is quick and he’ll return back to his comfy place on the couch.
Thankfully, this time he does, so I herd myself in the kitchen, where I fix a quick meal and prepare myself to spend the next few hours in silence with my husband, while he watches whatever sports game is on and drinks himself into another oblivion.
I wake up at 2 AM to rough hands groping me and the smell of alcohol filling my nostrils.
“Come on baby, wake up and give your husband what he needs,” Nate says as he harshly pulls up my clothes.
“No Nate,” I say and strain to get away from him. “Not tonight please. I'm tired. I worked all day long.”
Nate’s grip tightens on me. “What did I tell you earlier? Don’t bring up that stupid job again. A good wife never says no to pleasing her husband”
He pins both my wrists up in one hand and tears my panties completely down, leaving me in just my T-shirt.I can hear the sound of him, spitting on his hand and rubbing his dick. I just grit my teeth, close my eyes, and hope that it will be over quickly.
His grip on my wrists is so tight I can barely feel my fingers but I don’t dare say anything else. I know if I do it’ll just take him longer anyways. So I lay there limp, and thankfully, after just a few minutes, he empties himself and pulls out, turns over, and falls asleep.
I’m not even sad, I'm just angry. When did our marriage become this? I used to enjoy making love to my husband, but now it just feels like it’s a chore, one of my wifely duties as he has so politely told me.
I clean myself up and go back to bed, dreaming of the better times we had before our marriage turned into a shit show.
Chapter 7
My morning starts off the same yet again. My coffee, the morning blow job, and then a few meetings to get me started.
Boring, boring, boring.
I’ve really got to get it together. My life is becoming so mundane.
Lunchtime comes around and I get up to open my blinds to the inside of the building, as if I’m open to being social. Really I just wanted to check out my new intern, but I got a dog double whammy, because Sasha, yet again, was trying to stay in my office as she delivered my lunch.
I had to kick her out. It took a few direct instructions and she finally left. Now I can watch the inner workings of this office, or the women inside it, in peace.
Miss Riley Green is wearing a most basic pants suit again today, but it is hugging in all the right places. She’s standing over one of the other intern’s desks discussing something. I can’t make out what they’re saying but at this point I don’t give a fuck. All I see is the way her pants shape her ass, and my dick immediately comes to life.
I think about tearing the layers of her clothing off, throwing them on the floor of my office, and bending her over my desk so I can fuck her from behind. I wonder what noises she makes when she comes. I bet her pussy is tight and tastes amazing.
Fuck. My dick is completely hard. I consider my options. I could have Riley come into my office so I could show her what’s on my mind. She might, however, not appreciate that on day two of her internship.