Lunchtime comes around and I’m back to being stressed as fuck again. I have a couple case files that are draining me. Stepping out of my chair, I go over to the blinds in my office to open them. Normally I keep the window from my office and the rest of the offices closed. But every once in a while, I like to check in on my assistants and interns to make sure they’re doing their jobs. Sasha sachets into the office with my lunch. I flip the blinds back closed and head back to my desk.
I’m opening the takeout when I realize my assistant is still standing there. “Is there anything else I can do for you Mr. Bolt?” Sasha asks.
“You can leave, I’ll let you know if I need anything.”
Unfortunately, she’s not taking the hint and moves to my side of the desk, placing her skinny ass against my desk side and leaning into me. “I can tell you’re pretty stressed out. I can help you relieve some of that tension if you want” she whispers, attempting to be seductive.
Her hand trails up my inner thigh and I grind my teeth. I grab her hand, probably a little too harshly, and pull her a little closer to me.
“Didn’t I fucking tell you that I’ll let you know when I need you?” I growl. Her bottom lip starts to tremble and I release her just as the door to my office swings open. Fucking great. Apparently my mediocre assistant forgot to lock the door when she came in.
In strolls Kaz, with the most delicious woman I have ever seen.
Kaz looks taken aback and immediately starts to apologize. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Bolt. I didn’t think you were busy…”
I cut her off mid sentence. “No it’s perfectly fine. Sasha was just leaving.” I make it a point to push away from my chair and stand up so she takes the hint to get the fuck out. Sasha huffs, but the good little assistant makes her way out of my office quickly, not before shooting a glare at Kaz and our new company.
Normally, I would reprimand Kaz for just walking in my office like she owns the place. But I’m too enamored by the beauty that’s standing next to her. Long dark brown hair and curves that could kill. This woman is a goddess and I’m a god waiting to conquer. I don’t know when she started in HR but I need her moved to assist me immediately. ‘Sorry Sasha, you were getting too attached anyway.’ I’m thinking of the million ways I’m going to fuck this women, imagining my dick sliding between those plump lips while those big brown eyes stare up at me when my thoughts are interrupted. “This is Riley Green, your new intern,” Kaz says a little too quietly.
My blood boils. I'm going to fucking kill the boys. Now I know what they were smirking about this morning. Fucking Riley, they new he was a she all along. I glare at Kaz because I know for a fact she goes out of her way to bring women into the firm anyway she can. Well one point for her for finally getting a female application through the intern hiring process.
It’s not that I have a problem with women working in higher-up positions in my industry, I just don’t want them at my firm. First off, they get mouthy. Second off, they end up causing chaos with male attorneys. They fuck one, or a few, of the guys and start thinking they are something special because they’re more than just an assistant.
It always ends the same, they end up quitting, cry around town about the work environment, and then PR has to get involved to handle the backlash. It’s a fucking headache I don’t need to deal with at my firm. They can go somewhere else.
Kaz lowers her eyes but I can see the smirk of determination in her face. She’s scared but she’s gauging my reaction. She knows I don’t want any female interns so she probably wasn’t expecting to have to bring her straight to me. She was probably hoping to put her with Xavier or the twins where she quite honestly might have fared better. Instead of letting my anger show on the outside, I keep my face vacant as my eyes run up and down my new intern's body.
“Nice to meet you,” I say and reach for her with my left hand, and she awkwardly gives me hers in a less than firm handshake. Glancing down, I notice there’s a ring on her finger.
“Riley Green, sir,” she replies, “it’s an honor to work for your firm.” My lips pull up into a smirk, her voice is wobbly when she speaks, indicating her racing nerves. This situation is proving to be more and more enticing by the minute. Not only can I see the attraction in her eyes, but the fact that she has a ring on her finger indicates she hasn’t been touched by anyone at my firm yet. This speaks volumes…
Joke’s on you boys. This one’s mine.
Chapter 6
Oh my God, I could die right now. Like literally let the world swallow me up whole as I stand here. Was that my voice that just came out all nervous and wobbly?? My tongue feels swollen and I feel like I can barely talk.
How am I supposed to work for this man? Scratch that. He's not a man, no man from the town I came from looks like him. When I first walked in and he was sitting behind the desk all broad-shouldered, I could tell he was big. He probably works out. But when he stood up, holy shit it was like being under the scrutinizing gaze of God.
He has to be at least 6’2” if not taller. Short, dark hair and hazel eyes. At first I couldn’t tell if they were gold or green or something of a mixture in between. Now I’m standing here in some kind of nervous trance while he towers over me, and just a slight smirk on his lips that I swear, feels like sin incarnate. And was that a hint of a tattoo peeking out from his sleeve onto his hand I just saw? I wonder where else he has ink?
‘Pull it together Riley!’ I tell myself internally. This man may be a God, but he’s an egotistical maniac.
I heard the rumors when I applied for this internship. Bolt Corporation practically prides itself on hiring the least amount of women in the whole US. It's not like they hire zero females, they just don't seem to place them in many positions of importance and the turnover rate is ridiculous.
As a matter of fact, I got a great look at the one that was hovering over him, looking like she was about to fall to her knees any minute when we walked through the door. I grimace. That must be his MO. Of course he wouldn’t want someone with actual brains working around him. Just under him or below him.
I wonder what it’s like to be below him…
‘Stop stop!’ I chastise myself. Fuck I don’t remember feeling like this since high school. As a matter of fact, I don’t think I ever felt like this with my husband. Of course, Nate’s a good looking guy, but more of an all-around pretty boy jock type. But he’s definitely let himself go over the few years that we’ve been together. And this God, standing in front of me, he's no boy, he's a man man. And the problem is he knows it. The look on his face says without question that he’s here to conquer, that he has demands and is used to getting them met and he already knows the answer.
Thankfully, Kaz breaks the awkward silence between us. “Riley will be back tomorrow, Mr. Bolt. For her first day with you. I’m gonna take her and show her a little bit more around the building if that’s OK.” He nods once at her and turns around, heading towards his desk.
Before I know what’s happening Kaz is grabbing my arm and yanking me back through his door. Suddenly I can breathe again. It’s like all of the oxygen was being sucked out of me in that office.
“Holy shit Riley!” Kaz exclaims, "Mr. Bolt looked like he was about to eat you alive. And from the look on your face right now I know what you’re thinking,” she warns.