I waved her concerns aside. One had to give people time to recover after being on the receiving end of such a magnificent speech.
“A curse?” Bosko grunted. “Yeah, I heard about that.”
Wonderful news. “Oh, really? Did something happen to make people think Olmeda’s cursed?”
He scratched his chin again. “Can’t say I remember anything actually happening. Reckon it’s just a rumor that’s stuck. Jim probably started it.”
Dru nodded solemnly by my side.
“So nobody comes to film in Olmeda because of a rumor?”
“I don’t know why they don’t come. Sonia and the mayor have been trying to get people to make movies here for a couple of years to help with tourism, though.”
“Sonia knows the mayor?” I asked in surprise. “Is the mayor a…” I checked nobody was near enough to hear. “A paranormal?”
Bosko shrugged, which of course told me nothing. From the malevolent gleam in his eyes, he knew it too.
Too bad for him. He wasn’t going to make me buy one of his ugly sweaters to get the answer, because I was simply going to ask Ian later when I called him. So there.
My phone chose that moment to ring.
Half-expecting the universe to bestow upon me the gift of asking Ian in front of Bosko, it took me a couple of moments to realize it was Key calling and not my boyfriend.
“Key? What’s up?” I asked into the phone.
“Hope, I need your help!”
I held on to my phone like it was my lifeline. “What’s wrong?”
Murmurs of conversations and a couple of shouts came through the line, then Key spoke again. “Can you come to Lincoln Street? Where the movie is being filmed?”
“Of course. Are you in danger?”
“No, but… I need your expertise.”
And there was only one thing I was an expert in. It appeared the rumors about the curse might be true after all. “I’ll be right there.”
I hung up and met Bosko and Dru’s curious stares. “Sorry to cut this short, but something came up.” I gave Bosko a bright smile. “I’m so glad you agreed to support Dru.”
He scowled. “Look here, lady?—”
“Thank you so much.” I nudged Dru. “Right, Dru?”
She flashed her teeth. “Sure. Thank you, Arthur. I look forward to you support next PBOA meeting.”
I clapped my hands once. “Wonderful! Let’s go.” Tugging at Fluffy’s and Rufus’s leashes, I began walking toward the exit end of the narrow shop. “I love your sweaters, by the way,” I called over my shoulders with a thumbs up. “Great stuff, keep it coming.”
Once outside, I filled Dru in about Key’s call before she could complain about my less-than-elegant way of securing Bosko’s approval.
“What do you think it’s about?” she asked, now a lot more interested than irritated.
“The curse? Maybe there’s some truth to the rumors.”
“Or maybe Fairy Cakes gave the crew food poisoning and Key doesn’t want to get blamed.”
While there were potions that could alleviate stomach issues, Key would’ve said that first, so I could detour through the shop to pick some up. I told Dru as much.