She stalked through the narrow aisle that made the shop, and I had no other option but to follow. I eyed Fluffy and Rufus warily. “No drooling or peeing on anything,” I whispered sternly. “Mommy can’t afford to buy Bosko’s whole inventory.”
I braced myself for Bosko’s fury at the presence of two furry animals of the four-legged variety inside his shop, but to my surprise, he came around the counter and crouched to pet Fluffy and Rufus. Fluffy lapped at his hand enthusiastically while Rufus let out a dignified woof of greeting.
Well, look at that. Even the jerkiest of men had a nugget of friendliness inside of him. Grandma would approve.
Bosko straightened and crossed his arms. He acknowledged my existence with a curt nod, then glanced at Dru.
“Hello, Druscilla.”
Dru’s eye twitched. I took one step sideways in case the claws came out to play.
“Arthur,” she answered coolly, then she stared at me.
Bosko also stared at me.
Right. I cleared my throat. “How’s business?”
He scratched his chin. “Eh. Can’t complain.”
“I noticed you’re already selling Christmas stuff.”
“Can’t start too early.”
I could feel Dru’s glare digging a hole in the side of my head. “So true. Say, will you be going to the next PBOA meeting?”
“Why? What’s it to you?”
“We were hoping to have your full support for Dru’s new shop when it comes up for approval.” I fixed him with an earnest smile. “A positive recommendation from you would go a long way. Everyone respects your opinion.”
Never skimp on butter, in cooking or trying to get people to do things for you.
He relaxed and scratched his chin, glancing at Dru. “You got the deal finalized?”
She gave him a haughty look. “Signing as soon as the inspection is done and I have the PBOA’s permission.”
“The seasonal restaurant will finally be in season,” I chirped.
They stared at me like my brain was made of spaghetti with meatballs.
“Anyway,” I continued smoothly, “we’d love to have your support. As I said, a yes from you will go a long way.”
A faint smirk played with his mouth, and he glanced at the ugly Christmas sweaters and cheap neon-colored sweatshirts hanging on either side of us. “Oh, yeah? How long exactly?”
Was he really going to make us buy half the shop in exchange for his vote? I narrowed my eyes. “Long enough to keep you in good standing with the local witch shop.”
He and Dru snorted in unison.
I snapped my outraged attention to Dru, who looked slightly taken aback by her horrible show of disloyalty. Hmph.
Turning back to Bosko, I decided to play hardball. “I’m not buying half your shop to buy your vote. We’ll appreciate your yes, but it’s not the end of the world if you disagree on giving Dru the opportunity to open her dream shop. A dream that was stolen from her when Mr. Lewis turned out to be buried in debt.” I shook my head. “If your pettiness stops you from allowing someone who’s done nothing but contribute to the excellent health of the community in Olmeda, there’s nothing I can do. No amount of magic will ever be able to help.”
Fluffy underscored my words with a sharp bark, and I stared at Bosko, daring him to say no to all that.
He clapped slowly. “You should have gone into movies.”
“Oh,” exclaimed eagerly. “Is it true there’s supposedly a curse on movies filmed in Olmeda?”
“Hope,” Dru hissed.