Page 66 of Heart of The Night

William’s jaw dropped. ‘What?’

‘Yeah.’ I shook my head in incredulity.

William looked blankly out the windscreen. ‘Wow. So he actually managed it.’

‘Managed it?’ I echoed, bewildered.

His gaze turned to me, a faint apology swimming within the light-blue hue. I gaped, realisation dawning.

‘You knew that he fancied her?’

His face contorted briefly. ‘He told me a couple of months ago.’

I stared at him, a little surprised. He was clearly good at keeping secrets. I hadn’t sensed a thing.

‘I would have told you,’ he murmured, ‘but he’s my brother, Cara.’

‘Yeah, don’t worry. I get it.’ I nodded. ‘I’m just surprised – at all of it.’

He chuckled. ‘I can imagine.’ He put his hand on my thigh, squeezing it. ‘Did they seem happy?’

‘Very.’ I grinned. ‘Apparently, Jason’s fancied her for ages?’

‘Yeah. But he wanted to wait with making a move until he felt sure she was over her ex. He’s not interested in being a rebound.’


‘Yeah.’ William started the engine, backing out of the parking space. ‘Ready for the gym, then?’

‘Yes, but let’s avoid any gymnastics like theirs.’

A low, sexy laugh drifted out of his mouth. ‘No promises.’

15 | trust your heart


The flat was practically sparkling when I returned from the gym, the scent of citrus and a hint of chlorine permeating the air. It brought a smile to my mouth, as it reminded me how pleasant it was to live with Jason. He always pulled his weight. I hadn’t once been made to feel like his maid or mother.

‘Hello,’ Olivia called from the living room, the sound of the telly mingling with her voice.

‘Hiya,’ I replied, dropping my bag on the floor.

‘There’s a turkey sandwich for you in the fridge,’ Jason said. ‘We couldn’t be bothered to cook, so we ordered some as we tidied up the flat.’

My smile widened at their thoughtfulness. ‘How sweet,’ I said, kicking off my shoes and sauntering toward the doorway. I found them sprawled on the couch, Olivia cuddled up against Jason’s side, her leg draped over both of his. It was somewhat surreal to see them like this – lounging with the familiarity of a long-time couple – but it also made me glad. I would have hated for things to have been awkward between them instead.

‘How’s the hangover?’ I asked, leaning against the doorpost.

‘Not too bad,’ Jason replied, reaching for the remote to pause the show they were watching.

‘Just tired,’ Olivia added with a yawn.

‘Didn’t get much sleep, huh?’ I teased, my smile warping into a wry version.

She gave me a humoured look. ‘No.’

‘Maybe you should have a nap. You definitely deserve it after tidying up the place so well,’ I said, my eyes flickering around the room.