Page 65 of Heart of The Night

‘Cat’s out of the bag, then,’ he said, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and acceptance.

I pressed my lips together, my mouth forming a strange smile.

Olivia stared at me, her brown eyes filled with guilt and concern. ‘Cara, I was going to tell you – I swear,’ she said, her tone pleading for understanding. ‘But I didn’t even get the chance because last night was the first time anything happened.’

My brows shot upward. ‘Oh.’

I looked between them, searching for clues about what this might mean. Was it just a one-night stand, or was this the beginning of something more serious?

‘I hadn’t even realised you liked each other that way,’ I said after a beat, but it wasn’t completely true. I had always known that Olivia found Jason attractive. I just never imagined it ran this deep.

As I thought back, it suddenly hit me – maybe that was why she had been drawn to William when we first met him at Disrepute. He resembled Jason.

‘To be fair,’ Jason laughed, ‘we only just realised it ourselves, so it’s not like you’re behind on the news.’

‘Apparently,’ Olivia grinned proudly, ‘Jason’s fancied me for ages, but since I was with Colin, he didn’t want to make a move.’

I looked at Jason, gaping. ‘Is that true?’

His features crinkled with obvious contrition. ‘Yes.’

It felt like someone had pulled the rug from under my feet. I hadn’t suspected this at all. ‘How come you never told me?’

He ran a hand through his hair, the other gesturing toward me. ‘Honestly, it just didn’t feel right. She’s your best friend, and I was worried it would make you uncomfortable. I didn’t want you to feel awkward or think about it every time you were around the two of us.’

I could understand that. ‘Right,’ I said, nodding faintly. ‘That makes sense.’

‘Are you cross with me?’ he asked, his tone tinged with worry.

‘No, of course not,’ I said firmly. ‘Given everything that’s happened with William, I’m hardly in a position to judge.’

There was a brief pause as they absorbed my words, then they burst into laughter, and the sound was infectious. Soon enough, I was laughing with them.

Catching my breath, I remembered William was waiting for me. ‘Okay, listen,’ I said, still smiling. ‘Will’s downstairs, so we can talk more about this later.’

‘Yeah.’ Jason smiled and wrapped his arm around Olivia’s shoulders. My heart throbbed at the sight. No matter how strange this was, there was no denying they looked adorable together.

‘I’ll be here when you get back,’ Olivia said.

‘Good.’ I adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder. ‘See you then.’

‘Tell Will I said hi,’ Jason added.

I paused, looking between them. ‘Can I tell him about this?’

‘I expect you to,’ Jason replied, smirking. ‘But let me know how he reacts.’

I nodded. ‘Of course. He’s probably going to choke.’

Their chuckles echoed behind me as I walked out and shut the door, descending the stairs in a daze. When I reached the car, William looked up from his phone, his brows knitting together as he saw my face.

‘Everything all right?’ he asked.

I slid into the passenger seat and closed the door. ‘You won’t believe what just happened,’ I said, my voice filled with disbelief.

His frown deepened. ‘Tell me.’

‘I just walked in on Jason and Olivia having sex.’