“What are you going to do the next time Daddy says it’s time to do something?”
Dangerous ground, baby. “On?”
Twisting around, she grinned up at him. “On whether or not I’m in the mood for a spanking.”
He couldn’t stop himself from laughing at that. “At least you’re an honest brat. Not going to save your ass, though.”
Her squeals punctured the air as he rained swat after swat down on her bottom. “Ow, ow, ow, I take it back, I take it back! I’ll do as I’m told, I swear!”
“A little late for that, baby,” he shot back conversationally as he continued to light her ass on fire. Tightening his grip around her waist, he moved the swats lower to her sit spots, where he knew she’d feel them every time she sat down for the rest of the night.
“Daddy I’m sorry!” she wailed, kicking her feet and struggling for all she was worth as he turned her skin from blush to a deep pink. “I’ll be good forever, I swear!”
Chuckling, he stopped to give her bottom another firm squeeze. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, baby.”
“Okay, maybe not forever, but at least until like… tomorrow.”
Tomorrow. The word knocked the air from his lungs. Ace would have made it to South Carolina by tomorrow, which meant tonight was all they had.
Shoving aside the morbid thoughts, he patted her bottom. “I left my belt in the bedroom. Go get it for me, please.”
“Well, that’s just cruel,” she mumbled as she slid off his lap to her feet.
Watching her walk away, her pink bottom bouncing beneath his shirt was every bit the beautiful sight he expected it to be. He didn’t take his eyes off her until she disappeared into the room, as though he could sear the image of her into his brain if he stared long enough and hard enough.
She returned a moment later, his belt dangling from her fingers. “Here.”
Settling back against the couch, he raised an eyebrow. “Ask me to punish you. Politely.”
Pink rushed to her cheeks, nearly matching the color in her bottom. “Seriously?”
“As a heart attack.”
“Oh my god,” she whined, shifting from foot to foot as she held the belt away from her as though it was a particularly dangerous snake. Which he supposed it was rather dangerous to a naughty bottom. “Will you please punish me?”
“More specific. And who am I?”
The color in her cheeks darkened. “Will you please spank me with your belt, Daddy? I’m very sorry I was naughty and didn’t listen earlier.”
Rolling her eyes, she huffed out an annoyed little breath. “And that you think I lied to you about the water not being cold even though it really wasn’t that cold.”
“That’ll do. Hand me the belt, baby.”
She practically shoved it into his hand before throwing herself over his lap again. Gripping the metal buckle, he folded the leather over into a loop and tapped it against her bottom. “Five and we’re all done. You don’t have to count.”
The leather snapped across her skin with a loud snap that seemed to echo around the room. Soon her cries drowned out the sound as he brought the belt down across her bottom again, and again. Until five angry red lines stood out against her pink flesh and she was whimpering into the cushions.
Dropping the belt onto the couch, he rubbed at her inflamed skin. “Shhh, baby. It’s all done. Are you ready to be Daddy’s good girl again?”
Even as he asked the question, his hand was moving down over the curve of her ass, down between her thighs to where she was already soaking wet for him.
“Yes, Daddy,” she said on a gasp, pushing her hips up to meet his questing fingers. “Make me your good girl, please, Daddy.”
He’d meant to make her come first, to give her a reward now that her spanking was over. But the sound of her pleading snapped something inside him, and within seconds he had her on her back, had his cock free of his sweatpants so he could drive into her with one quick, forceful thrust.