Page 83 of Ruin Me, Daddy

Arching up to meet him, she cried out as she dug her fingers into his back. “Yes, yes, just like that. Please, Daddy, please.”

“My good girl. Mine. Say it. Say it, Amanda.”

“Yours, Daddy. Only yours.” Her eyes flew open, boring into his, and he saw the truth of her words in the deep brown. “I belong to you, Elias Turner. Every fucking inch of me. Yours. All yours, Daddy.”

No other words were needed as he took her, hard and fast, bordering on desperate. Until at last they crested together, the primal sounds of their pleasure echoing around the room as he filled her.

“Mine,” he repeated when his heartbeat finally calmed and his lungs no longer felt like they might explode.

And I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you.



“Still no word from Ace?”

It was well after noon the day after the news of Ice and Silver’s ‘secret affair’ had broken, and nobody had seen or heard from Ace in over twenty-four hours. Scowling out at the ocean, Ice shook his head at Beckett’s question. “No. And it’s making me antsy.”

“What’s Simon say?”

“He came by this morning for a chat. Seems to think it’s a good thing that nobody’s seen or heard from Ace, like he’s taken himself off somewhere to nurse his wounds or some shit.”

Beckett raised an eyebrow. “You don’t sound convinced.”

“I’m not. I’ve known Ace practically my entire life. He’s not a ‘nurse his wounds’ type. I can’t shake the feeling he’s up to something. I just wish I knew what.”

“What about his parents? Sounds like you’re all pretty close. They might know where he is.”

Guilt rolled in Ice’s stomach, threatening to eject what little breakfast he’d managed to eat. “I’ve thought about calling them.”


“But I’m a fucking coward. What am I supposed to say? ‘Hey mom, so remember how you took me in and treated me like your own kid? Yeah, well, your actual kid found out I’ve been fucking his girl and now he’s pulled a Houdini. Any idea where he might be?’”

Beside him, Beckett snorted. “I wouldn’t phrase it exactly like that. But I still think you should call them. They might be pissed, but that’s part of having parents who care about you. Dealing with their disappointment when you inevitably fuck up.”

“Yeah. Maybe.” He hated that Beckett had a point. Calling Ace’s parents, coming clean about everything that had gone down since Roulette was the right thing to do. Even if they ended up taking Ace’s side and shutting him out forever, he owed them an explanation.


The door behind them swung open and Silver stepped out onto the deck, cradling a cup of coffee in her hands. She was still wearing his shirt from last night but she’d thrown on a pair of shorts in deference to their guest. Worry had her brows drawing together, and the bruises under her eyes told him she hadn’t slept any better than he had. “Have you heard from him?”

“No. You?”

She shook her head, the curls that had come loose from her bun bouncing around her face. “Checked my messages this morning. I half expected to wake up to a drunken tirade but… nothing. Tell me why that worries me more than him losing his shit.”

“Because we’re used to him losing his shit. We know how to handle that.” This, the radio silence, that was new for Ace. Which meant nobody had any clue what might happen next.

“I guess. I just wish we knew where he was so we could have this out once and for all. I’m tired of waiting for the other shoe to drop.” Lifting the mug to her lips, she drained the contents and scowled at the empty mug. “I’m getting more coffee. Anyone want a refill?”

“Water first, then coffee,” Ice reminded her.

“Seriously? We’re on the verge of losing everything and you’re worried about whether or not I’m drinking enough water?”

“No reason for you to be stressed and dehydrated. Pick a struggle, baby.”

Still scowling, she glared down at him, and for a moment he thought he might have a fight on his hands. But then she tossed her head back and let out a laugh so loud it startled a nearby seagull into taking flight.