Page 80 of Ruin Me, Daddy

She was doing her ignoring out on the back deck, watching the waves roll in. It was still somewhat light out, enough so that couples and families were still strolling along the sand.

Inspiration struck as she watched a young girl dart out into the water, just up to her knees, before letting out a shriek and running back to shore. Shucking off her boots, she raced down the stairs to the beach, her toes sinking into the sand as she stumbled her way toward the water. When the sand turned wet and firm beneath her feet, she reached for the hem of her dress, pulling it up over her head and tossing it behind her without bothering to see where it landed.

Clad in nothing but her bra and underwear, which she figured covered more than most bathing suits anyway, she raced for the water’s edge, squealing and dancing backward when the freezing water crashed over her feet. But she forced herself back into the water, this time bracing for the cold.

It took her several minutes, and she earned more than a few odd looks, but eventually she was waist deep. As if by magic, the stress of the day drained from her bones, carried off to the depths of the ocean with each crashing wave.

“Amanda Louise Sterling! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Uh-oh. Daddy did not sound happy.

Turning back to shore, she grinned and lifted her arm to wave at him as he stalked to the shore. “Going for a swim! Come on in, the water’s fine!”

“The water is freezing. Get out of there before you die of hypothermia or something.”

“Dramatic much?” she asked with a roll of her eyes. “It’s not even that cold once you get used to it.”

“I’ve heard the same from people who got buried by avalanches. That just means your nervous system is shutting down.” Standing just where the water lapped at the soles of his shoes, Ice crossed his arms, and her pussy spasmed at the narrow-eyed look he sent her way. “You have until the count of three to get your butt out of that water, little girl. One.”

Luckily, nobody was close enough to hear him threaten her. “But Daddy,” she whined, running her hands over the water around her. “I’m having fun.”

“You can have fun inside where it’s warm.”

“It’s plenty warm out here.”

“Two. You do not want me to come get you, Amanda.”

Considering he was using her proper names, she had a feeling he was right about that. But then again, she had been looking for a distraction. And what could be more distracting than a trip over Daddy’s knee?

Nothing, she decided as she stepped backward, away from shore. Even with the distance separating them, she could swear she heard him growl in response.

“Three. Guess we’re doing this the hard way.”

Still backing up deeper into the ocean, she watched as he yanked his shirt off, revealing the rippling tattoo-covered muscles underneath. She lifted a hand to her face to be sure she wasn’t drooling as she watched him strip down to nothing but his boxers before he strode into the water.

Slapping a hand over her mouth, she smothered a giggle when his face twisted into a grimace as the cold waves slapped at his legs.

“That’s an extra five with my belt for lying, Amanda Louise.”

Shock had her yanking her hand away with a gasp. “I did not lie!”

“You did. You said the water wasn’t that cold and it’s fucking freezing.”

The water was up over her shoulders now, and she swam backwards a bit more as he stalked toward her. “I said it wasn’t that cold once you get used to it. You haven’t even given it a chance to warm up!”

“I’m still taking my belt to your ass for making me chase you.”

“That’s… fair, actually,” she conceded with a giggle. “Sorry, Daddy.”

“Not half as sorry as you’re going to be when I get you back upstairs.”

Need slammed into her, so hot and fierce it was a wonder the water didn’t turn to steam all around her. “Can’t we talk about this?”

Pausing just a couple feet from where she was treading water, Ice tilted his head to the side, a wicked grin curving his lips. “Nope.”

And then he was gone. Swallowed whole by the ocean, and by now it actually was dark out, and she couldn’t see where he’d gone.

A scream ripped from her throat when a hand wrapped around her ankle, and she just barely had time to hold her breath before he yanked her under. She came up sputtering and swearing, shoving her hair out of her face to glare at her grinning attacker.