“That was mean!”
“Aw, poor baby. Come here.”
Before she could swim away, his arm was around her, pulling her up against him. The fading sunlight glowed on his damp skin, making him look like some kind of mythical sea creature as he lowered his head to capture her lips with his.
She sank into him, into the playful romance of it all, and let him kiss her senseless. The worries of the day, of what was coming faded to emptiness as he coaxed her mouth open. As she surrendered herself to him, body and soul.
“My naughty girl,” he murmured against her mouth when the kiss ended. “Time to get you back inside and get that bottom properly warmed up.”
“I wasn’t really that naughty.”
“Oh, really?” One eyebrow raised, mischief dancing in his eyes. “What do you call ignoring Daddy when he says it’s time to get out of the water?”
“I was just… playing.”
“Well, now it’s Daddy’s turn to play. Out of the water, my naughty little goddess. Now.”
He wasn’t really mad, but it gave him a perverse pleasure to watch her sweat about her ‘punishment’. The entire way back to the house, she kept shooting him furtive little looks from beneath her lashes, and she nibbled at her bottom lip so much he wondered how she didn’t chew the whole thing off.
“Stay here,” he said when they reached the back door. “I don’t want you slipping on the tile. I’ll bring you a towel and a fresh shirt.”
“Yes, Daddy.” Her acquiescence was given with a sigh and a pout, but at least she wasn’t arguing now.
“Good girl. I’ll be right back.”
He grabbed them each a towel and one of his t-shirts because he liked the idea of her walking around the house in his shirt with her reddened bottom sticking out from beneath the hem. Back out on the deck, he helped her out of her underwear, deliberately letting his fingers brush over her stiff nipples and her pussy lips as he stripped her.
By the time she was mostly dry and clad in nothing but his shirt, her breathing had become labored, and her pupils were blown with desire.
Taking her by the hand, he led her into the living room, where he took a seat on the couch. He managed to school his expression into serious lines as he looked up at her.
Goddamn if she didn’t look adorable, with her cheeks flushed as she twisted the hem of his shirt between her fingers. She looked exactly like the naughty little girl she was, and he couldn’t wait to get her over his knee.
“All right, little girl. Tell Daddy what you were thinking, going out in that freezing cold water, at night, all by yourself?”
“It wasn’t that cold! And it wasn’t dark when I got in the water.”
“Uh-huh. Well, if you’d listened when I told you to get out of the water, I might be willing to let you off with a warning. But you didn’t listen, did you, baby?”
“No, Daddy,” she answered with another of those dramatic little sighs that had him fighting back laughter.
“And that’s why you’re getting your bottom spanked. Come here.” Grabbing her by the hand, he guided her over his lap, her long, bare legs stretched out on the couch beside him. The shirt he’d given her had ridden up in the process, revealing her gorgeously round ass.
Cupping one cheek in his hand, he gave it a firm squeeze, enough to make her yelp and squirm over his knee. Because even if he wasn’t mad about her evening swim, he still intended to teach her a lesson about obeying her Daddy.
“When Daddy tells you to do something, you do it, little girl. Do you understand me?”
“Even when Daddy is being a tiny bit unreasonable?”
Cheeky little brat. “Yes, even then.”
Swallowing another laugh, he released his hold on her ass and gave it a hard swat. A perfect pink handprint appeared on her creamy skin, accompanied by another of those adorable little yelps. He landed another five crisp swats before pausing to rub the sting into her bottom.