Great. Not only was he shutting her out emotionally, he was shutting her out of his work, their work, as well.
Anger and hurt swelled inside her. She had no clue what she’d done to upset him, but it was clear he was pissed about something. And it was just as clear that he had no intention of actually telling her what she’d done to make him mad.
Well that was just fine by her. If he didn’t want her around, she wouldn’t burden him with her presence.
She dumped the rest of the coffee she hadn’t actually wanted into the sink before stomping back to their room to change. And maybe it was petty of her, but she pulled out the shortest skirt she could find, a tight tank top that made her breasts look fantastic, and did her makeup the way she knew he liked it. His favorite boots completed the look, giving her a sexy gothic schoolgirl look designed specifically to drive him wild.
If that didn’t get his attention, nothing would.
“Lottie called. I’m going to head over to the club and meet her for a drink and maybe an early dinner. Wanna come?”
Again, he barely looked up from his guitar. “I think I’ll stay in tonight. Have fun with your friends, baby.”
For once, the pet name did nothing to ease the fury boiling in her veins. How dare he talk to her like nothing was wrong when he wouldn’t even look at her?
Turning on her heel, she marched stiffly to the entryway, where she grabbed her purse and his keys from the hooks by the door. Ruthlessly blinking back the tears threatening to blur her vision, she jabbed at the button to start the sexy little car in the driveway. She shot off a text to Lottie, letting her know she was on her way to the club, then tossed her phone aside and threw the car into reverse.
With the windows down, she cranked up the volume on the stereo, belting out song after song as she drove into the city. The drive and the music gave her an outlet for the anger, but the hurt lingered, churning in her stomach as she tossed her keys to the valet and made her way into the club.
Vivian looked up from the front desk, her usual smile brightening a bit when she spotted Silver. “Lottie said you’d be here early. She’s waiting for you up in the bar area.”
She flashed the receptionist a grateful smile and turned toward the stairs. “Thanks, Viv.”
“Um, Miss Sterling?”
A familiar nervousness tinged Vivian’s voice as Silver turned back to her. “Yes?”
“I know this is probably really out of line and Master Braden will have my ass just for asking but…” Red flooded the other woman’s face, clashing horribly with the teal of her hair as she fumbled for something in her pocket. “Could I possibly get a picture with you? My friends and I have been listening to your music for ages and it would just mean a lot to me if I could have a quick selfie.”
The nervous babbling brought the first genuine smile of her day to Silver’s lips. “Of course. And it’s not out of line at all.”
“Really? Awesome!”
Vivian’s eyes lit with excitement, and Silver was reminded why she loved what she did so much. The music was the core of it, but the fans made it all worth the long nights, the months of travel, the time away from her family. It was their love, their support that kept her going.
And it’s the fans who keep you stuck in a band with a man who cheated on you, in your bed. With you in it.
Shaking off that dark thought, she posed for a string of photos with the mermaid-haired receptionist. Bolstered by the interaction, she headed for the top floor, making herself a mental note to send Vivian some swag when she got back home.
It was almost enough to make her forget why she was so pissed at Ice.
Lottie was seated at one of the VIP booths Beckett had reserved a couple nights before, and Silver’s entire body flushed with the memory of being on her knees, Ice’s cock in her mouth like she was nothing more than a convenient hole to be used while he chatted with his friend.
Ugh. She did not want to be all hot and flustered by that particular memory, not when she was supposed to be pissed at him.
Shoving the memory aside, she plopped down across from Lottie, who was dressed up like an actual schoolgirl. Eyebrow raising, she gestured to the getup. “You and Braden have some role play scheduled for tonight?”
“Not at the moment.” Lottie’s smile flashed, quick and a little wicked. “I’m working tonight and some of the regulars love the schoolgirl look. I always get better tips when I wear this.”
Guilt pricked at Silver’s chest. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t even think to ask if you were working tonight.” She’d forgotten entirely that Lottie worked at all, if she was being honest.
“Don’t be sorry. I was here anyway, keeping Daddy company until my shift starts. What’s up with you?” Tilting her head to the side, Lottie frowned slightly. “You look… unsettled.”
“I guess that’s a good word for it.” But now that she was here, she wasn’t sure exactly how to explain why she felt so ‘unsettled’. “I’m just being stupid. I shouldn’t have bothered you.”