“That doesn’t mean you don’t want Daddy to spank you again.” Tugging her leggings down, he left them bunched around her knees to restrict her movements. “It’s very naughty to tell fibs, little girl.”
He brought his hand down on her bottom, not nearly hard enough to truly punish her, and was rewarded with a low moan. A second swat to the opposite cheek got him much the same reaction, along with a little wiggle of her hips.
“On second thought, I think you were right. We did finish your spanking. Guess we’re done here.”
“No!” As if suddenly realizing what she’d just said, Silver cleared her throat. “I mean, it was pretty naughty of me to steal your shirt. So I probably do deserve another spanking.”
“Well… if you’re absolutely sure.”
“I am. I’m so sure.”
Not even bothering to hide his laugh, he swatted her again, a little harder this time. Over and over again he peppered her bottom with playful spanks, until every inch of her ass was a nice pale pink.
Pausing her ‘punishment’, he slipped his hands between her thighs, grinning at the arousal that coated his fingers the second they slid into her pussy. “Naughty girl. You’re not supposed to enjoy a punishment, you know.”
“Says who?” she shot back, craning her head to flash him a cheeky smile over her shoulder.
“I don’t know. People, I’m sure.”
“Fuck those people. Better yet, fuck me.”
If his cock hadn’t already been straining against the zipper of his jeans, he might have made her wait. But as it was, he couldn’t get her leggings off fast enough, couldn’t get inside her soon enough.
Gripping the back of the couch, he forced himself to take his time pushing into her tight, wet heat. “Fuck, baby. You feel so good on Daddy’s cock.”
Her only response was a whimper as she pushed back against him, impaling herself further on his hard length. Sweat beaded on his brow as he rocked inside her, fucking her with slow, shallow strokes.
“Harder,” she gasped out, arching up, her already tight pussy squeezing him even tighter. “Faster. Fuck me like you mean it, Ice.”
Her words, and the hoarse, throaty voice they’d been issued in, shredded what was left of his control and he slammed into her, fucking her hard and fast just like she’d asked. No, demanded.
One of these days, he was going to teach her once and for all that she wasn’t the one allowed to make demands.
Except, there was no mythical ‘someday’ for them. Once they got back to California, he’d never get another chance to spank her, to tease her, to fuck her over the back of some stranger’s couch with the sun setting just beyond the windows.
Shoving those dark thoughts to the back of his mind, he focused on her. On giving her pleasure so thorough that when he filled her that final time, emptying himself deep inside her, she was an incoherent mess.
He carried her to the bed they shared, where she promptly fell asleep sprawled on top of him. While he lay awake, staring at the ceiling, wondering how the hell he was supposed to survive walking away from her this time.
Something was wrong with Ice.
It wasn’t just that she’d been out of bed for nearly a whole day and he hadn’t kissed her, though that was certainly adding to her unease. It wasn’t even that he’d barely said two words to her. A quiet Ice wasn’t anything unusual. If anything, he’d been far chattier during her visit than she could ever remember him being before, even with her.
No, the silence didn’t bother her. Especially since he was still working on that song he’d started a couple days ago, which seemed to be occupying most of his time. But there was an undercurrent to the silence, something simmering just beneath the surface that had her walking on eggshells all morning.
That was a feeling she was used to with Ace. Not with Ice.
And she did not like it one little bit.
Picking up her coffee—her fourth of the day, not that he’d noticed—she carried it over to the couch, where she curled up on the opposite end from him. “How’s the song coming?”
“Hmm?” He barely glanced up from the paper he was frowning down at. “Good. I think. Guess we’ll see when it’s finished.”
“Right.” Hard to tell when you were in the thick of it, sometimes. “Want any help?”