“Yes, but don’t read too much into that. It’s not”—Silver waved a hand in the air—“whatever you’re thinking it is.”
The back door opened and Ivy stepped through, looking even more fairylike than she had at the club in a dark-green dress that brushed the ground with every step she took. Silver could have kissed her for the distraction alone. “Hello. Your Daddies said I should join you.”
“You should.” Lottie held up her glass with a grin. “We have the wine. Is Delia with you?”
“She’s getting herself a glass of whiskey and then she might join us, as long as she doesn’t get too caught up in giving them all a hard time.” A ghost of a smile played on Ivy's lips. “Driving Braden’s blood pressure up is her favorite hobby.”
“Perfect.” Closing the door behind Ivy, Lottie peeked inside like she was checking to see if the coast was clear. “Okay, so, to catch everyone up: Silver is dropping, Frankie is pissed she didn’t know her silver-fox Daddy was going to be here, and the club has stalkers.”
“I don’t know why I shouldn’t be pissed, it’s not like Holden and Ice are—” Frankie cut herself off mid-tirade, her eyes narrowing. “What do you mean the club has stalkers?”
“Braden’s been getting emails from some religious nutjobs about how evil and depraved the club is.”
It was, to Silver’s surprise, Ivy who smirked as she sipped delicately at her wine. “Isn’t depravity kind of the point?”
“It most certainly is.” Silver raised her glass and they toasted. Frankie joined in, but Lottie just glared at them from her post by the door.
“I know it’s the point. But you guys haven’t seen the emails. And you didn’t see the super creepy lady standing out on the sidewalk just staring at the club. At me.”
“Oh, honey.” In full ‘protective bestie’ mode now, Frankie wrapped an arm around Lottie’s shoulders and squeezed. “Did you tell Braden?”
“Yes. And he said he’d talk to Holden about beefing up security for a while. He seems to think if he makes a big show of the club being ‘impenetrable’ as he said, they’ll just go away.”
“He’s probably right.” Silver smiled apologetically at Lottie’s pout. “I’m sorry, hon. I know you want to take action, but in my experience the best thing to do is to lie low and let the crazies get bored. It almost always works out that way in the end.”
“If you say so.”
Silver couldn’t help but think Lottie looked almost disappointed that she wouldn’t get to stir up some shit. But it was best for everyone involved not to invite trouble. Things like this had a way of working themselves out.
Other than the glares Frankie kept shooting in Holden’s direction pretty much the entire evening, their night went relatively smoothly. Lottie and Braden were the last to leave, mostly because Lottie was doing everything in her power to delay the spanking she had coming for sneaking another glass of wine after her Daddy had cut her off for the evening.
But Braden, apparently at the end of his patience with his babygirl’s antics, had hauled Lottie up over his shoulder and carried her out of the house. Ice closed the front door on the sound of Lottie’s indignant squeal as her Daddy’s hand connected loudly with her bottom.
He turned to find Silver watching him, a wide grin stretched across her face. “Does that girl ever go more than a day without getting her ass busted?”
“To the best of my knowledge? Nope.” Closing the distance between them, he slid his arms around her waist, pulling her close. “Some of you need your bottoms warmed more than others. Lottie needs it more than most.”
Need flared to life in her eyes as she looped her arms around his neck. “I seem to recall you telling me I need my ass beat on a daily basis.”
“A statement I still stand by. Speaking of, I never did finish your spanking for stealing Daddy’s shirt.”
“Umm, the way I remember it, you were about to reward me with an orgasm when the doorbell rang.”
“Was I?” Grinning down at her, he stepped forward, forcing her back a step. Again and again they repeated the dance until the backs of her legs bumped up against the couch. “That doesn’t sound right to me.”
Her eyes narrowed, but before she could respond, he had her spun around and bent over the back of the couch, his hand cupping her ass. “Are you sure I wasn’t going to spank you some more?”
“I’m positive!” Her voice pitched up to a very un-Silver-like squeal. “I don’t want another spanking!”
“Tsk tsk. What happens to naughty girls who tell lies, Silver?”
“I’m not lying! You already spanked me and then you left me on edge all evening!”