The title had lost most of its awkwardness by then. And the way his eyes lit up with pure pleasure every time she used it made up for any lingering weirdness. “Good girl.”
She let herself be pulled up out of the chair, up into his arms. The smirk stayed on his lips, but his eyes… There was something there, something she couldn’t quite make out in the dark.
“I’m going to kiss you, Amanda Sterling.” The arms around her waist tightened, pulling her close, and her breath caught in her chest. “I’m going to kiss you, because this night is about my fantasies. And I’m not nearly strong enough to resist the woman I love drenched in moonlight on a warm autumn night by the sea.”
The heart he’d once tried to lay claim to trembled as his lips brushed across hers. She sank into the kiss, into him, into the poetry and the romance of it all. Because she wasn’t strong enough either, nowhere near strong enough to resist him and the slow, heady exploration of his mouth against hers.
It wasn’t just a kiss. It was the kiss. The kiss in all those cheesy romantic comedies she secretly loved. The kiss that flipped everything on its head in an instant. The kiss that said, Oh, there you are. I’ve been waiting for you.
He tugged at her dress, gathering the material in his hands as he kissed her brainless, until the cool ocean breeze caressed the welts his flogger had left behind. There was pain when he gripped her ass in those large, calloused hands, but it only served to have her whimpering into the kiss as that pain melded with her pleasure.
Up and up and up the dress went, until he finally had to pull away so he could drag it up over her head. Without taking his eyes off her, he tossed the bundle of fabric toward the open door of the bedroom.
“You glow,” he murmured, lifting his hands to her shoulders, his fingers a whisper of touch over her skin as he ran them down her bare arms. “My goddess of the night. I should have known you’d glow in the moonlight.”
How could a woman resist those words? Even in the early days, Ace had never given her poetry. The songs he’d written about her had been crude metaphors for sex all wrapped up in heavy bass and screaming guitars. Nobody had ever called her a goddess or told her she glowed.
“Take me to bed.” Closing the small distance between them, she looped her arms around his shoulders, tilting her head back to offer her lips up for another of those soul-stealing kisses.
“So demanding.” He chuckled as he bent his head to brush a kiss across her collarbone. “But I’ve changed my mind. I want to see how you glow when you shatter for me.”
And then he was on his knees, and she was up against the elegant French doors that opened the house up to the sea. Her fingers were in his hair, pulling him closer as he dragged in a deep breath through his nose.
“God, Sil. You smell even better than I remember. I’ve dreamed about your scent, your taste. I swear I’ve woken up every morning since Roulette with the taste of you on my tongue.”
“Ice…” She didn’t have the words to give him. Not in that effortless way he had. So she let them die on her tongue, knowing anything she said would pale in comparison to his easy romance.
“You don’t have to say anything, baby. Just let Daddy taste you.”
He slowly peeled her panties down her legs before he nudged her left leg up over his shoulder, steadying her and spreading her open for him all with one movement. And when his tongue slipped inside her, she closed her eyes and clung to him as he swept her away as surely as the pounding ocean beside them.
Pleasure rose and ebbed, controlled by his wicked, clever tongue. There was nothing she could do to control it, so she simply let herself drift on the sea of it.
Where other men might have devoured, Ice savored. Slowly and thoroughly, tasting every single inch of her and then doing it all over again when he was done. Until she was left trembling and sobbing with need.
“Ice, please. I need… I need…”
The rest of her plea was lost on a low moan as his slow exploration turned ravenous. Now, he did devour, driving her higher and higher with single-minded relentlessness until she finally went flying, her screams of release swallowed up by the crashing waves.
“Beautiful.” His soft praise drew her back down to Earth, back to the present as he pressed a kiss to the gentle curve of her stomach. “My gorgeous goddess.”
She felt like one in that moment. A goddess of hedonism and pleasure, with him her devoted supplicant worshiping her the only way he knew how. “That was…” She blew out a shaky breath. “I have no words.”
“Then I did my job.” Still on his knees, he grinned up at her. “Come to bed, and I’ll do it again.”
He did. Over and over until she lost count and her throat turned raw from screaming his name. When she was empty of everything but him, he finally stripped and pulled her close to him, cradling her as sleep dragged her under.
But she still heard him, clear as day when he whispered his heart to her before she slipped into unconsciousness.
“You’ve ruined me, Silver. Ruined me for anyone but you. And I don’t know what the fuck I’m supposed to do about that.”
He woke before her, as he’d expected to. While he’d always been something of an early riser, no matter how late they crashed, Silver could sleep well into the afternoon without issue.
So he woke before her and showered off the night before while he tried not to think about all the things he’d said to her. Words he’d wanted to give her for so long but had kept to himself for obvious reasons. Words he was trying his damndest not to regret now that they’d been said and couldn’t be taken back.