Page 31 of Ruin Me, Daddy

Or, maybe she’d just let it be. Let tonight be a memory they could both carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Either way, she wasn’t going to argue about it now. Right now, all she wanted was to be his good girl. She wasn’t expecting any special treatment, but she wouldn’t mind a cuddle. Maybe some chocolate.

“Take me home, Daddy,” she said, locking her eyes with his. And because she did, she had the pleasure of watching the brown warm as he smiled.

“All right, baby. Let’s go home.”



Instead of taking her straight home as she’d expected, he carried her—carried her, something Ace had never even attempted to do because he’d said she was too heavy—down the podium steps to the elevator at the back of the club. They were met upstairs by Ivy, who showed them to a private booth at the far end of the top floor where Ice wrapped her up in a blanket before plopping her on his lap and forcing two bottles of ice-cold water down her throat.

He babied her. There was no other word for it. When Ivy showed up again, this time with a delicious-looking brownie and yet more water, he hand fed her every single bit of said brownie, which was as yummy as it looked. Not once did he push her to talk about what had happened downstairs, other than to ask her how she was feeling over and over again.

When the brownie had been demolished and the third bottle of water finished, he finally let her get dressed. Well, technically he dressed her, helping her step back into the dress and panties another helpful soul had brought up to them before ushering her down to his car, which was waiting for them at the curb when they stepped out into the sultry September air.

At her insistence, they skipped her hotel for the time being. She didn’t want to waste a single second of their time together packing a bag.

Especially when she was hoping they wouldn’t be spending much time wearing any clothes at all over the next few hours.

At his house, he took her out to the back deck and insisted she sit for a little while, looking out over the crashing waves of the Atlantic while she sipped the water he pushed on her again. The rhythm of the ocean soothed her soul, easing some of the ache inside her as they sat in companionable silence.

She could get used to this. As much as she loved touring, loved recording, being on the road so much was starting to take its toll. Whether it was just the fact that they were on the wrong side of thirty, or that they’d been at it for so many years, she wasn’t sure. But the thought of spending most of her nights sitting by the sea, letting the waves lull her to sleep held more appeal than she would have imagined even just a few years ago.

Maybe it was time for a longer break than just this hiatus Ice had taken for himself. Maybe they all needed a break from each other, from the drama and stress of spending all their waking hours together.

Was that the real reason she’d baited Ice tonight by signing up for the auction? Because she wanted the band to split up, at least for a little while?

That thought was more than a little uncomfortable, so she shoved it firmly out of her mind. Weariness settled over her and she raised a hand to stifle a yawn before Ice could see.

Except, Ice saw everything. Especially when it came to her.

“Time for bed.” Pushing up out of one of the twin Adirondack chairs they’d settled themselves into, Ice held out his hand.

As much as she’d been looking forward to spending the rest of the night exploring each other’s bodies, between the pampering at the club and the drive out to his home, her adrenaline rush had long since faded. And still, as tired as she was, being ordered to bed activated her inner brat. “You go on. I’m not tired.”

“You’re exhausted and you’ve had a long day. It’s time for bed.”

Excitement buzzed along her skin. Ice might have his fantasies, but she had her own. And several of those fantasies revolved around being punished by him. She’d gotten a good taste of how strict he could be at Black Light, and again tonight, but it only left her aching for more.


Despite said fantasies, the way he said her name in that almost-too-calm tone of voice had her squirming uncomfortably in her chair. And that squirming reminded her that his punishments were nothing to be trifled with as the ache in her ass flared back to life.

Still, she couldn’t resist pushing a little harder. “I’m not tired.”

“That’s too bad.”

Curiosity peaked, and she mentally swore at herself for giving in even as she opened her mouth to ask, “Why?”

Leaning down, Ice braced his hands on either arm of her chair, one side of his mouth lifting in a smirk. “Because good girls who go to bed when Daddy says to get their pussies eaten until they come all over Daddy’s face.”

The need he’d so thoroughly slaked back at the club flared to life once again between her thighs. “Oh.” That actually was a really good reason to do as he said.

“Last chance, baby. Are you going to be a good girl and come to bed?”

It wasn’t even a question. “Yes, Daddy.”