With a devilish sort of grin stretched across his face, Braden raised a hand to quiet the din. “Each of our participants will be brought forward one at a time for the bidding. They’ll each be given sixty seconds to introduce themselves and give a short explanation of what they’re looking for tonight. Hard limits as well as preferred kinks will be listed on the screen behind them. Any questions?”
“Yeah. How much for the sexy redhead?”
Beside Silver, Frankie blew a kiss to a man who looked like he’d walked off the set of some Hollywood biker show with his long hair pulled back in a ponytail and his muscular arms covered in tattoos. For all the tats and leather, however, biker boy wasn’t half as terrifying as the man toward the back, towering over everyone else in attendance with a scowl on his face and muscles that threatened to rip open the seams of his well-tailored suit.
The silver fox Lottie had mentioned, presumably.
“Ah, thank you for asking.” Braden interrupted Frankie’s flirtation easily, but it did nothing to soften Giant Silver Fox Daddy’s expression. “All bids will open at one thousand dollars and can be raised by increments of one hundred dollars by raising your paddle.”
Biker Daddy rubbed his hands together, a gleam in his eye that said he was clearly ready to go to war—at least a bidding war—to win Frankie. The rest of the crowd was eyeing not just Frankie, but all the ‘merchandise’ waiting to be won.
Except Ice. Every time Silver looked over at him, he was watching her. Nobody else. And when she forced herself to look away, she could still feel his gaze on her, a burning touch so real it was almost physical.
She thought she would get some relief when Braden called Ivy to the front of the stage and the bidding began. An evening with her, overseen by Cordelia, went for nearly five thousand dollars. Even in the dim lights of the pit, the pretty pink flush on her cheeks was evident as the winner took her hand and guided her off the stage. A stunning blonde woman with her hair pulled up in a ponytail any cheerleader would envy followed closely behind the pair. But even through all of the frantic bidding and excitement of that first auction, Ice’s gaze never faltered.
Two more submissives, one male and one female followed Ivy with similar bids, before a woman in a gorgeous purple corset tied tight enough to give her a perfect hourglass figure stepped forward. A hush that could only be described as reverent fell over the crowd.
And then the woman reached up, slowly sliding her cat-eye glasses down her nose, peering out over the rims, and the response from the crowd was almost deafening.
The pleasure of Mistress Rogue’s company went for more than thirty thousand dollars to a man who nearly ripped the knees of his expensive-looking suit in his rush to kneel at her feet in worship.
And still, Ice watched Silver, through it all.
Then it was Frankie’s turn. Giant Silver Fox Daddy, who had yet to bid on a single person, stepped forward as Frankie introduced herself, the crowd parting before him like the Red Sea. To Frankie’s credit, her voice never wavered as she flirted shamelessly with the crowd, offering herself up for an evening of ‘being used in every possible way’ before Braden stepped forward to begin her auction.
“Opening bid for the lovely Frankie is?—”
But Giant Silver Fox Daddy didn’t bother to let Braden finish. “Fifty thousand dollars.”
Outrage rippled through the crowd. “He can’t do that!” someone yelled from the back.
“Ah, well…” Braden watched, amusement twisting his lips up into a wry grin as Giant Silver Fox Daddy stepped up onto the stage and scooped Frankie up, tossing her over his shoulder with a resounding swat to her upturned ass. “Looks like he can, actually.”
“Holden!” Trapped over the giant’s shoulder, Frankie pounded her fists against his back. Silver hadn’t realized how tiny Frankie actually was until just then. Or perhaps Giant Silver Fox Daddy was actually that giant. Either way, it was like watching a small kitten batting her paws at a lion. “Let me go, you big oaf!”
But Holden’s only response was to swat her again, hard enough to make her yelp and go limp over his shoulder.
Clearing his throat, Braden lifted the microphone and smiled out at the crowd. “Dinner and a show, anyone?” Laughter rippled through the crowd, other than the few scowling men who were clearly unhappy at losing their shot at a night with the gorgeous Frankie.
“Last but most certainly not least this evening, we have the stunning Silver. Tell us a bit about yourself, sweetheart. What are you hoping to get out of tonight’s auction?”
Nerves caught her by the throat as she took the microphone from Braden’s hand. In all the excitement, she’d forgotten that she’d be expected to give a speech. “Ah, right. Like Master Braden said, I’m Silver.” Her gaze shifted to Ice, still standing in the same place watching her with those steady, unwavering eyes and she nearly abandoned her plan on the spot. But that would be letting him win.
And Amanda Sterling did not lose to anyone if she could help it.
“What am I looking for tonight?” Tearing her gaze away from Ice, she scanned the rest of the crowd, offering up a smug smile. “See all this makeup?” She waved to her face, the dark lipstick, the smoky eyeliner. “I want to leave here with it ruined. If you think you’re up to that challenge, bring it on… Daddy.”
She wasn’t sure what had prompted her to add that title to the end of her little speech, but judging by the way several of the men in the crowd—including Big Bad Biker Daddy— were now watching her with hungry, eager eyes, it had been the right move.
Handing the microphone off to Braden, she stepped back, placing one hand on her hip and striking a pose that left her leg bare nearly to her pussy. Hunger filled the eyes of her audience and a familiar excitement pumped through her veins.
It was, after all, just another type of show. And she was nothing if not an excellent fucking performer.
Braden opened the bids at one thousand for the night, just like all the others. Nearly every paddle in the room rose and stayed in the air as the price climbed higher and higher. A few dropped off at the three-thousand and five-thousand marks, but she couldn’t deny the thrill in her veins when the majority of the paddles stayed raised up to the ten-k mark.
Nearly every paddle… except for one. Ice’s arms stayed crossed, his eyes still locked on her as her price tag continued to rise.
At fifteen, they were down to half of the bidders. At nineteen it fell to two—Biker Daddy and some other man in an expensive suit. By now, nerves were jumping in her stomach as she genuinely started to worry about what she might do if Ice didn’t bid on her.