Ice shot Beckett another glare, but his friend only shrugged.
“Unlike you, I haven’t taken a vow of celibacy.”
“I’m not celibate. I’m just… not interested.”
Now it was Braden who was watching Ice with what could only be described as anticipatory glee. “I might have something to tempt you.”
The hairs on the back of Ice’s neck stood at attention. “What’s that?”
“One of my participants backed out at the last minute and Ms. Sterling was kind enough to offer to take their place.”
He was up out of his seat before he even realized what he was doing, both hands fisted in the lapels of Braden’s expensive suit. “What the fuck were you thinking? She isn’t even a member of the club!”
Braden didn’t even flinch, which Ice found equal parts impressive and infuriating. “No, but like you she’s here on a guest pass and she’s passed all of the background tests and interviews with flying colors. I see no reason not to allow her to participate in club events if she so chooses.”
“You’re a fucking asshole, Braden, you know that?”
A grin spread across the other man’s face. “I have two older brothers who make sure I’m aware of that fact on a regular basis. Now, if you’d please let go of my jacket, I have some details to see to before the bidding begins.”
Ice forced his fingers to loosen, just enough for Braden to take a step back. “I’ll see you gentlemen downstairs, I’m sure.”
As Braden sauntered away, Ice turned his attention to Silver’s table. The other girls were laughing, but Silver’s head was bent over the papers scattered in front of her. Papers that would allow her to sell herself to the highest bidder in a matter of minutes.
A hand clamped down on his shoulder, and he glanced over at Beckett, who had followed his line of sight to the other table. “What’s the plan? Are you going to bid on her?”
There was no doubt in his mind the little brat was only signing up to spite him. Or she was counting on his jealousy to get the better of him and drive him to do whatever it took to win her.
And he didn’t fucking care. As long as there was breath in his lungs, nobody else in this club was going to lay a finger on his woman.
But first, he was going to teach her a lesson about trying to manipulate him. “No. I’m not going to bid on her.” Turning, he grinned at his friend. “You are.”
Roulette night had nothing on this auction.
At least with Roulette she’d been pretty much guaranteed a decent partner for the evening. The only real fly in that ointment had been Ice’s unexpected appearance as one of the Doms for the evening. But even with that distraction, she’d known that one way or another, she’d be paired with someone.
Standing up on stage now, looking out over a sea of men and women who may or may not choose to bid on her, she was suddenly aware of every flaw, every little detail that might keep someone from bidding. She was too tall, her ass was too fat, she hadn’t worn enough makeup for the stage lights—or maybe she’d worn too much makeup—the list went on.
Then her gaze landed on Ice, and the nervous butterflies in her stomach went nuts for entirely different reasons. If he bid on her, and won, there was absolutely no question she was in for a painful lesson. Ice could be devious when he put his mind to it, as she’d observed and experienced herself already.
If he bid on her and lost, well… she had a feeling that would only postpone the retribution coming her way.
“Ready?” Frankie whispered from beside her, distracting her from Ice’s penetrating gaze.
“As I’ll ever be. You?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m so fucking ready.” Looking positively gleeful, Frankie rubbed her hands together. “Bring on the big spenders.”
Braden stepped to the center of the stage just then, and an expectant hush fell over the crowd. “Good evening, my fellow kinky bastards. And welcome to the first official ‘What’s Your Fantasy?’ auction hosted by Club BDE.”
He paused, allowing for the swell of applause and cheers and wolf-whistles. The performer in her recognized another performer when she saw one. And despite what she’d heard about how much he’d hated the idea of an auction, Braden Elliott was completely in his element up on that stage.