“An entire colony?” I breathed, hardly daring to believe it. “But they’re almost extinct! There’s so few of them that the textbook on them is almost an empty void! How did you...?”
Liora held up a slender hand. “The details are not important right now. What matters is getting them safely to their new home before poachers catch wind of their location.”
My mind raced. If word got out about a Lazamai breeding population, every smuggler and collector in the quadrant would be after them. The potential for profit was staggering...as was the risk to the fragile creatures.
“I’ll do it,” I said firmly. “Whatever you need from me, just tell me what to do.”
Liora’s luminous eyes studied me intently. “You understand this mission must remain absolutely confidential? No one else can know about the colony, not even the rest of the crew.”
I blinked in confusion. “But if the crew can’t know, how am I supposed to explain being on the ship?”
“We have prepared a...cover story,” Liora replied, exchanging a glance with Doanor. The hulking captain grunted and nodded.
I eyed the imposing Zemaitoz captain skeptically. Despite his fearsome visage with those wicked-looking horns, something about Doanor put me at ease. Maybe it was the steady way he held himself or the pragmatic glint in his dark eyes.
As if sensing my appraisal, Doanor shifted, the movement rippling the thick cords of muscle across his broad chest and shoulders.
Heat crept up my neck as I realized where my thoughts had drifted.
Stop it.
This was hardly the time or place to be ogling an alien, no matter how...striking he appeared.
Running my hand through my hair, I met Doanor’s gaze steadily. “So this cover story...?”
He nodded once, his deep voice surprisingly gentle despite its rumbling timbre. “We will tell the crew you and I met through Stardust Souls.”
I blinked owlishly. “The...dating service? As in, we’re supposed to be...?”
“Companions, yes.” Doanor’s expression remained impassive, though I could have sworn I detected a hint of amusement in those dark eyes. “It will provide a plausible reason for your presence on my ship without arousing undue suspicion.”
“Oh. Uh, okay then.” I hoped the lounge’s dim lighting concealed the flush creeping up my cheeks. “So we just...act like we’re together? Dating, I mean?”
One furry brow arched ever so slightly. “If that is amenable to you. I assure you, I will conduct myself with the utmost propriety and respect.”
Despite his genteel words, a little thrill went through me. Pretending to be Doanor’s...companion, even if just for show? My sensible side knew it was ridiculous, but another, more reckless part couldn’t help being intrigued by the idea.
I forced a casual shrug, aiming for nonchalance. “Sure, why not? Could be fun to play act a little.” Mustering a grin, I added, “Although just to be clear, I’m not sure if you’re my type.”
The words were out before I could stop them. So much for not ogling the client. But rather than taking offense, Doanor merely chuckled, the deep rumble sending an unexpected thrill through me.
“My humblest apologies,” he replied wryly. “I shall endeavor to be utterly resistible during our...charade.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. Maybe this crazy job wouldn’t be so bad after all. “Deal. So are we supposed to be newly dating or long-term partners or what?”
Doanor considered the question with a surprising earnestness. “Perhaps we met several months ago and have been...getting to know one another during that time.”
“Works for me.” I grinned up at him impishly. “I have to admit, you certainly know how to show a girl an interesting time on a first date - teleporting her across the galaxy with no warning.”
One side of his broad mouth went upwards. “The lady prefers a dramatic flair, I see. I shall endeavor to keep things...exciting for you.”
Was it my imagination, or did his deep voice dip into an almost husky register on that last word? I fought back another shiver, determinedly ignoring the warmth blooming in my core.
Focus, Cassidy. This is just an act. A really, really well-acted act if Doanor keeps that up.
Liora cleared her throat delicately, snapping me out of my distracted reverie. “If you have worked out the parameters of your...relationship, we must be going.”
“Right, of course.” I sat up straighter, all business once more. “So when do we depart?”