“Immediately.” Doanor rose fluidly to his feet and extended a large hand towards me, his calloused palm rough yet oddly gentle against my skin as he helped me up. “If you are ready?”
My pulse quickened as I placed my hand in Doanor’s. Ready or not, it seemed my life was about to take a very unexpected turn.
The lounge door slid shut behind us with a hiss as I blinked in the harsh artificial lighting of the corridor, my eyes adjusting after the dimness inside.
I realized I was still holding Cassidy’s hand. Her smaller fingers were entwined with mine, her palm slightly damp against my leathery skin. A strange sensation stirred within me - not unpleasant, but unfamiliar.
Reluctantly, I let her go.
“I’m afraid my duties prevent me from accompanying you further.” Liora’s luminescent gaze flickered between Cassidy and me. “But I have the utmost faith you’ll manage just fine.” She offered a slight smile and placed a hand on Cassidy’s arm. “You’re in capable hands.”
Cassidy grinned. “Thank you for all your help, Liora. I really appreciate you taking a chance on me.”
“Of course.” Liora inclined her head. “I’ll leave you two to prepare for your journey.” With a final glance at us, she turned and continued down the corridor, her tendrils fading into the distance.
Well. Now it was just the two of us.
Clearing my throat, I forced myself to meet that inquisitive blue gaze.
“We should get moving. The docking bay isn’t far.”
We set off through the bustling concourse, Cassidy sticking close by my side. I could feel the nervous energy radiating off her in waves as she took in the sights and sounds of the space station.
Humans hadn’t been around for long. Less than twenty of their years had passed since they’d joined the rest of us up here in space. What did this little human think of it all?
A passing Maklav merchant barked out an advertisement, his voice like gravel in a blender. Cassidy jumped, her shoulder bumping against my arm. I resisted the urge to put a protective hand on the small of her back to steady her. That would be overstepping our agreed boundaries.
As we continued, a pair of towering Brizlak lumbered past, their hulking frames nearly scraping the ceiling. Their scaled hides glistened like burnished metal, reflecting the harsh station lights. One of them paused, fixing us with its beady black eyes as mandibles clicked in our direction.
“Sssmall one,” it rumbled, the words reverberating through my bones. I tensed, prepared to shield Cassidy if needed. But the Brizlak merely cocked its head, studying her with curiosity before continuing on its way.
Cassidy exhaled shakily. “What was that about?”
“Don’t take it personally,” I said gruffly. “The Brizlak are an ancient race. To them, humans are little more than infants stumbling around the galaxy.”
She frowned but didn’t argue. Smart girl. As we rounded the next junction, a cluster of merchants hawked their wares - exotic fruits, glittering jewelry, even a caged Narvian eel that slithered and hissed menacingly.
One particularly persistent Xendryl trader noticed us and slithered over, her multitude of eyestalks swiveling. “You, ssssir! A fine specccimen like yourssself mussst want a rare treassure for your lovely mate.”
Before I could respond, she thrust a pulsating orb into Cassidy’s hands. It throbbed with an inner glow, like a heartbeat.
“Behold! A living gem from the cavernsss of Tycalia 5. Guaranteed to bring eternal prossssperity and pleassssure to any union.” The Xendryl’s eyes gleamed greedily.
Cassidy recoiled, nearly dropping the orb. “Oh, uh, no thanks. We’re not - I mean, he’s not my -”
I snatched the orb back and shoved it toward the merchant. “We’ll pass.”
The Xendryl tsked in disappointment but slithered away, undeterred. Cassidy shot me a sidelong glance as we continued on.
“So...no rare treasures for your ‘lovely mate’ today?”
I snorted. “You’d do better not to accept gifts from a Xendryl. Especially ones that seem alive.”
Her nose crinkled. “Ew, yeah, no thanks. Still, it was a...unique offer.”
Unique was one word for it. My gaze drifted briefly to those full lips, now curved in an amused smile. I jerked my eyes away, refocusing on our path ahead. This human female was proving quite the distraction.