
Doanor burst through the underbrush, his gaze instantly locking onto the alien creature. In a blur of motion, he positioned himself between us, one arm extended to shield me.

“Stay back,” he growled, his free hand reaching for something at his belt. “That’s a venomous nathrid.”

“What? No, it’s just--” I started to protest, but Doanor’s urgent tone gave me pause.

Studying the creature more closely, I could see subtle differences from the docile forest dwellers I’d initially assumed it to be. The eyes were larger, the pupils mere slits rather than the wide, expressive orbs of the harmless tree-hoppers. And those delicate limbs ended not in soft pads, but wickedly curved talons.

Ice wrapped around my gut as the realization set in. This wasn’t some curious little forager - it was an apex predator, its sinuous body perfectly adapted for stealth and striking with lethal precision.

“Doanor,” I said carefully, remaining still. “How did you know?”

His dark gaze never left the nathrid, his body tense and ready to react. “The patterns, the coloration, the way it’s holding itself - every instinct is screaming danger.”

Keeping my voice level, I asked, “Could it be a similar species? Maybe one that’s not toxic?”

A low, warning trill emanated from the nathrid’s narrow jaws as it sensed our scrutiny. My breath stopped as those hypnotic coils slowly unfurled, the deadly talons extending.

“No,” Doanor’s deep rumble brooked no argument. “I’ve encountered these before on Kalath Prime. Beautiful, but incredibly deadly if provoked.” His free hand slowly extended a small device towards me. “Take this stunner. On my signal, hit it with maximum charge.”

I carefully accepted the compact weapon, my fingers trembling slightly as I gripped it. Up until now, everything on this journey had been wondrous and amazing - I’d never anticipated needing to defend myself.

The nathrid’s coils tightened, the muscles along its sinuous length flexing as it prepared to strike. Doanor tensed beside me, his broad shoulders squared.


In one fluid motion, he shoved me back while simultaneously hurling a small charge at the nathrid. The bang drowned out my startled yelp as I reflexively squeezed the trigger, sending an incapacitating surge towards our would-be attacker.

Debris and smoke obscured my vision for a few agonizing seconds. Then, as the haze cleared, I could make out the nathrid’s iridescent scales just visible in the distance as it ran away.

“Cassidy!” Doanor was at my side in an instant, his large hands gripping my shoulders as his concerned gaze swept over me. “Are you hurt?”

I shook my head mutely, still trying to process what had just occurred. My heart thundered in my ears, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

“I...I’m okay,” I finally managed, my voice shaky. “Just...a little shaken up.”

He exhaled, the tension visibly draining from his broad shoulders. “You shouldn’t have run off like that. There are dangers on this planet we know nothing about.”

“But I—” My protest died on my lips as I registered the naked concern in his dark eyes. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I got carried away.”

Doanor studied me a moment longer before giving a curt nod. “Just...be more careful next time.” His gaze drifted to a twist of vines that had snagged in my hair. “Here, let me...”

Reaching out, he gently disentangled the clinging fronds, his calloused fingers grazing my cheek. My breath hitched at the electrifying contact, that simple touch sending tingles dancing across my skin. Doanor seemed to feel it too, his hand stilling, hovering mere inches from my face.

We stood there, frozen, the world around us fading into the periphery as our eyes met and held. His earthy, masculine scent enveloped me, stoking the slow burn of desire that had been simmering since I first laid eyes on him. In that endless moment, I yearned to close that last whisper of distance between us.

The sharp trill of some unseen creature shattered the air. Doanor jerked back, dropping his hand as if scorched. He averted his gaze, the tips of his ears flushing a dusky rose.

“We should, ah, head back to the shuttle,” he muttered gruffly. “I need to check in with the Koloss.”

“Right. Of course.” I fought to keep my voice level, giving myself a mental shake. Get a grip, Cassidy. This is just a job, I reminded myself sternly. You can’t afford to get attached.

But even as we retraced our steps through the alien wilderness, my eyes were drawn again and again to the impressive figure at my side. The tender concern he’d shown, the way he’d shielded me without hesitation—it was difficult to reconcile with his typically gruff demeanor.

I knew I should guard my heart, that getting involved would only lead to complications. But some deeper part of me couldn’t deny the spark of connection between us, that frisson of electricity that arced across every charged interaction. As much as I tried to resist, I was falling for Doanor Ostrail, grumpy bull-man and all.

The secret would be keeping it to myself until this job was over. Surely I could make it through this...right?