“It’s beautiful,” I murmured, unable to tear my gaze away.

The corner of Doanor’s mouth tilted upward, his dark eyes sparkling with unvoiced amusement. “Shall we go take a closer look?”

My heart skipped a beat at the invitation, a delighted grin spreading across my face. “I’d love that.”

With a few tapped commands, the force field shimmered and parted, granting us access to the awaiting shuttle. The close proximity as we strapped in sent tingles across my skin, that addictive blend of his warm, earthy scent and the metallic undertones of the ship surrounding us.

The descent was smooth, Galadon Six rapidly filling the viewport. Doanor deftly guided us through the vibrant atmosphere, skimming over prismatic cloud banks that fractured the golden sunlight into ethereal rainbows.

The shuttle broke through the cloud layer, revealing sprawling forests and winding rivers far below. I gasped in delight at the breathtaking carpet of emerald and sapphire.

“There’s a city on the western continent,” Doanor rumbled, his deep voice reverberating through the cabin. “But I assume you’d rather see more of the natural wonders first?”

He glanced at me with those piercing dark eyes, and I felt my heart flutter. Was he truly asking my preference? The thought filled me with a warmth that spread through my chest.

“You’d be right,” I replied, unable to suppress my grin. “As amazing as the cities must be, I can’t get enough of unspoiled nature. It’s so rare to find these days.”

Doanor chuckled, the rich sound making my stomach flutter unexpectedly. “Then the wilderness it is. Though I should warn you, even the ‘uninhabited’ regions here teem with life beyond your imagining.”

“Even better!” I exclaimed, leaning forward eagerly. “Show me everything.”

His lips curved in an amused smile before he turned his attention back to the controls. The shuttle banked, altering our course to skim over a vast rainforest canopy.

Up close, the foliage resolved into a kaleidoscope of shifting hues and bioluminescent blooms. Flashes of iridescent wings darted between towering trunks festooned with vines. My gaze tracked a shimmering stream carving its way through the verdant growth, tiny lifeforms frolicking along its banks.

“Incredible...” I murmured, utterly transfixed.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Doanor watching me with an unreadable expression. A flush crept up my neck as our eyes met, that familiar spark of tension crackling between us.

Swallowing hard, I forced my attention back to the wondrous vista outside. “As a kid, I dreamed of exploring undiscovered worlds teeming with bizarre alien life. But reality always finds a way to get in the way of our dreams.”

Finally breaking through the cloud cover, my breath caught at the incredible landscape stretching out below us. Lush jungles of deep indigo and crimson blanketed undulating valleys, while towering crystal spires glittered in the sunlight like enormous gemstones.

“It’s... I’ve never seen anything like it,” I whispered in awe.

The shuttle settled gently on a flat expanse of vibrant emerald moss, cushioning our landing with its spongy surface. I could scarcely contain my excitement as the hatch opened, flooding the cabin with the heady floral aroma of this alien world.

“After you,” Doanor gestured, the perfect gentleman.

Trying not to seem overeager, I disembarked and took my first steps on Galadon Six. The plush ground yielded beneath my boots, each footfall releasing tiny clouds of golden pollen into the air. Towering ferns swayed in the gentle breeze, their broad fronds shimmering with iridescent hues.

“This is...incredible,” I murmured, slowly turning to take in the panoramic vista.

Doanor moved to stand beside me, his powerful frame dwarfed by the colossal crystal spires reaching for the heavens. “The scans showed abundant plant life, but they hardly did it justice.”

“You can say that again.” My gaze was drawn to a nearby copse of twisted, gnarled trees with vibrant fuchsia trunks and canopies of feathery crimson fronds. “I’ve never seen vegetation like this before.”

Doanor nodded, his dark eyes roving over the alien landscape. “I’ve been to many worlds in my journeys, but each one still has the capacity to surprise me.”

A sudden movement in my peripheral vision caught my attention—a small, skittering creature darting between the twisted trunks. Without thinking, I took off in pursuit, the strange fauna beckoning me like a siren’s call.

“Cassidy, wait!” Doanor’s deep voice called out behind me, but my curiosity spurred me onward.

I weaved through the dense foliage, glimpsing the peculiar creature’s form as it scampered just ahead. Its sleek, sinuous body was a deep azure, with four delicate limbs tipped by dexterous digits. Rounding a massive fern, I finally cornered the elusive being.

It froze, swiveling its elongated neck to face me with large, luminous eyes. A trill of alarm escaped its narrow beak-like mouth as I approached. Up close, I could make out the intricate patterns adorning its scaly hide, shimmering with opalescent hues.

“Easy there, little guy,” I crooned, squatting down to appear less threatening. “I’m not going to hurt you.”