Ragged cheers went up, but most of the warriors looked rather unsure.

“Our people were taken. Friends, neighbors, family, children…ripped from us by that tyrant, Ghroma Jark. Will we let this stand?”

“No!” I bellowed along with a smattering of the crowd. Pageus obvious had the respect of his warriors, but they had already been defeated once. He might not be able to convince them.

I stepped to the edge of the stage and shook my lance in the air.

“Jank has to be stopped. This was not the first raid. Nor even the second. Jank will keep coming back, and it will get worse every time until we stop him.”

A few more warriors joined the chorus of yeas. I still hadn’t won their hearts over, though. Not yet.

“We number ten score and ten,” shouted a veteran Masari with one eye. “Jank has many more warriors, and better weaponry.”

“We will take that weaponry away from him, and quite possibly many of his warriors as well,” I said with a cryptic smile. “The Engineers and the Sages have come up with a plan.”

Silence settled over the warriors. Most people didn’t seem to believe the alliance could be real. The rest had no confidence that a bunch of eggheads would be able to help them win a fight.

“We’ll strike Jank’s raiders before they have time to join up with the main force,” I continued. “We will have surprise and the cover of darkness on our side. We will hurt them, bad enough they cannot pursue, and then leave with our kin.”

“It’s a good plan!” Pageus shouted. “Come on, you laggards! Do you want to live forever or something? I, myself, have been trying to die in battle for years.”

He tapped his stump of a leg with his sword sheath.

“I only partly got the job done last time.”

Laughter rolled up over the warriors. Pageus’ smile quickly faded into a fierce glower.

“You fish bellied cowards! I only have one leg and I’m going to follow this man into battle to get our kin back. What’s your excuse? Are you afraid you won’t get to die a doddering old man, drooling on yourself while you try to figure out which end of the spoon to use?”

His eyes narrowed to twin jewels burning in the twilight.

“Now who wants to grow old…and who wants to come fight with me?”

Every single warrior thrust their weapon in the air and screamed aye.

“You’ve got your army,” Pageus said under his breath. “I just hope that your Sages and Engineers have done their part.”

“They’ll get the job done.”

I hope.



Itugged at the straps holding the flight harness to my back. Forty Masari warriors gathered on a high hill behind me, ready to strike at Jark's raiding party.

Pageus trudged up the steep hill to stand beside me. He gestured at the sky sled bearing the heavily modified flywheel.

"A lot of the warriors are grumbling. They don't like the idea of trusting their lives to an arcane device."

"This is our only hope for victory. They will have to trust me."

He grunted and spat a fat, white wad into the dirt.

"Trust isn't something that comes easily to our kind. Used to be, no one would have followed you to a pile of Yez, let alone into battle where they will be fighting for their lives."

I stared at the crest of the hill and scowled.