"I think most of them will be fighting for glory, not their lives."

Pageus grunted again.

"Too true."

"We will have to work together to save our kin, and make it back alive. I hope they realize as much."

Pageus narrowed his gaze.

"Anyone who does not stick to the plan will be cut out of the sky. By my own hand."

I did not doubt his words. Pageus was nothing short of terrifying even at his advanced age.

Ignio stood up from where he inspected the flywheel and came to my side.

"As near as I can tell, the modifications will work. The wheel should burn bright, not hot, as you directed."

"Excellent work, friend."

I clapped him on the shoulder. I wanted to project absolute confidence, even though I didn't quite feel it. It would be bad for morale if I let on that I wasn't entirely certain this plan would work.

Ignio smiled, and then looked wistfully at the gathered warriors.

"I almost wish I could go with you. I'd love to see the plan in action."

"It's going to be a bloody business, Ignio. Besides, Starlost village cannot do without its best Sage."

He snorted with derision.

"I think you surpassed me on that front many moons ago, Gro. But I appreciate your words, even if I doubt their veracity."

"Keep doubting, my friend. It keeps me humble."

Listen to me. I sound like one of those hyper-thyroidal alien grunts I always hated.

But why did I hate them? Because they were alien, or because I secretly yearned to be them?

Ignio chuckled and clasped my hand.

"Be careful. Starlost village cannot afford to lose you."

Would he still feel this way about me, if he knew my old life? When I hated his kind just because of where they were born?

"I will."

Pageus raised his fist and bellowed. The other Masari followed suit.

"Tonight we hunt," Ignio cried in a voice only marginally quieter than his earlier shout. "Tonight, we get back our people from Jark's brutal raiders. Tonight, we will find glory, death or both!"

Let's hope it's not both.

He turned to me and grinned.

"We are ready."

Everyone's eyes turned on me. Expectant, waiting, hungry for inspiration perhaps. I'd never been in that situation before. Ever. Even among other humans, I was never someone who people looked to for inspiration or leadership.

The weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders. Some of these men would not be making it back, no matter how well executed our plan turned out.