Yeah. Why? I reply telepathically, fixing my tie and tossing my suit jacket over on shoulder on my way out.

I need a new shirt.

Don’t tell me you spilled coffee on yours… I chuckle. Knowing my twin and how clumsy he can be sometimes, it is no surprise that he needs to borrow a shirt from me.

Stryker clicks his tongue mentally. I’m coming up.

As soon as I hear his reply in my mind, I freeze on the threshold and gasp. If he comes up to the thirteenth floor, he might discover that the guest bedroom is locked and proceed to question me about it.

It’s been hard enough trying to be secretive about my true feelings toward the human mating process. It’s going to be another tough feat having to hide the human away.

Don’t come up, I warn mentally. I’ll bring one down.

Stryker remains oblivious, much to my relief. Even when I arrive on the twelfth floor of the castle to bring him a fresh shirt, he suspects nothing as we speak about the wedding.

A wedding I’m only looking forward to for the treats. As a dragon shifter, Stryker and I are considered the youths in the clan. With that comes the territorial need to indulge the sweet tooth of the inner dragon.

It’s not that I’m not happy for my brothers, who’ve seemed to find true happiness with their human mates. It’s just that their displays of affection prove to be tooth-achingly sweet, filling my gut with dread for the future. My future.

“Are you alright?” Stryker asks when we finally enter the elevator.

“We’re late,” I lie, glancing at my wristwatch. “You know how the Lady Dragon is when we’re late.”

Stryker chuckles beside me. “Lily isn’t as strict as she was before. Not since Tyson started waddling around. That boy reminds me…”

The rest of what Stryker jests about Lily and Draco’s son gets lost in my thoughts. The looming dread of what’s to come for me hangs in every mention, every encounter with my brothers, their mates, and their children. Now that the Aurora Dragon clan is growing, so is my desire to remain single.

It’s not like there isn’t enough mating going on in Aurora Island. Lily’s already pregnant with dragonspirit baby number two. Aragon and Yazmine welcomed their son, Dracon, a few months ago. The next-to-be parents in the Vulkan family are Felix and Sierra, who is two months ripe with their dragonspirit child.

There’s more than enough to carry the legacy of the Aurora Dragons and the Vulkan name. I don’t see why I need to be mated to a human, to be entrapped by their heedless desire for love and happily-ever-afters. I just don’t buy into any of it.

“Stryder!” Draco slaps my back playfully when we enter the living room. Everyone is scattered around in the final moments leading up to the wedding, some chatting while others fix the loose ends on their dresses.

“Hey, Draco,” I greet my eldest brother with a warm smile as he holds his son on one hip. “Hey! There’s my favorite nephew!” Despite my reluctance toward the human mating process, I can’t help but release all the negative thoughts at the sight of the gummy smile from the little boy who resembles his dragon shifter father. He makes a fist, and I gently bump it, grinning at him.

Dragonspirit children are special and hold a special place in my heart. That doesn’t mean I have to have my own, or that the kid will soften my heart toward the human mating process.

“It’s time!” the Lady Dragon, Lily, calls out. It sends the room of the Vulkan family into a buzz of excitement as everyone disperses and makes their way out to where Felix is to meet his bride, Sierra, at the altar.

Holding my nephew in my arms, I make my way out of the courtyard and over the bridge leading to the beach. The rest of the clan is gathered on the logs set out as benches along the sides of the aisle, waiting eagerly for the bride to emerge once Felix takes his place at the altar, with our father presiding as the officiant today.

When my brother’s eyes sparkle with wonder as his bride makes her way down the aisle with her father, I feel my stomach churning. It’s almost unbearable to watch, only the need to be present for my brother’s sake keeping me in the crowd to wait out their vows.

I never imagined love for myself. I’ve seen love between my parents and my brothers and their mates blossom. It’s enough love to go around for everyone, and I don’t need it for myself.

Only my responsibilities toward the Aurora Dragons would force me into a mating relationship with a human, to produce dragonspirit children. Still, I find myself rebuking the idea because of what I know to be true.

The human females picked by the Cube of Knowledge as my brothers’ mates all have one thing in common. They’re strong, independent women, who demand their males tap into their emotions and give them the love they deserve.

I was quite content with not bringing love into the mix regarding my endeavors with human females. One-night stands were the easiest, not getting too personal and not having to forsake my freedom for bodily pleasures.

As the crowd of Aurora Dragons cheers for Felix and Sierra when they kiss for the first time as husband and wife, I find myself turning my face the other way. The display of affection and love only drives in the fact that marriage and mating shackles a dragon shifter for eternity.

Not willing to give up my freedom, I know it won’t be long until I’m forced to do just that. For now, I can distract myself with the sweet offerings of food that don’t require tender love and care. So, I get to my feet as soon as I can, arriving at the tea table first.

“Beautiful, wasn’t it?” Stryker comments, the second to reach the treats.

I grab a plate and pile generous helpings of sweet treats and pies, ignoring his glee as he watches the bride and groom dance on the beach.