I’m steadily losing my appetite, shoving a custard slice into my mouth so I can hold onto some semblance of my sanity. Even the custard's sweetness loses efficacy when I spot Aragon passionately kissing his mate, Yazmine.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Brother,” I say sullenly as I swallow the mouthful of cake.
“Do you not find it beautiful? The sacred union between a dragon shifter and a human?”
I shrug diffidently. “It’s quite remarkable that dragon shifters become weak for their counterparts, yeah? I suppose there’s beauty in that entanglement.”
“Entanglement?” Stryker sneers. “You sound rather opposed to the process, Stryder. I thought—”
“I’m not opposed to it,” I quickly interject, realizing that perhaps I’d given too much away by my string of words that got the best of me. I plaster a smile and continue, “It’s beautiful in its unfamiliarity. It’s foreign territory. That’s what I mean.”
“It’s exotic,” Stryker smiles back, seemingly buying my words. “I think we’re rather blessed that we get to experience it. Soon, it’ll be your turn. Isn’t that exciting?”
“Hm…” I murmur, desperately seeking an escape and finding it in the form of Tyson waddling toward the treat table. “Nephew!” I call out, leaving Stryker’s side and chasing Tyson around the table.
My twin brother’s skeptical stare follows me as I tend to the toddler, but I decide to pay little attention to it. I know he senses that something is off – that I’m not being entirely honest with him.
Growing up together for nine-hundred-and-ninety-seven years made us inseparable. It also convinced everyone around us that we were always on the same page.
I don’t have the energy to explain that Stryker and I are reading different books. Not even Stryker would understand, and I don’t want him to be disappointed with me.
That’s it.
The realization hits me like a freight train, stopping me in my pursuit of my nephew to straighten up to gaze at the castle forlornly. Behind those walls on the thirteenth floor, lies another reason for my brother to be disappointed in me. I can’t even tell him that I’d rescued a human last night, and recklessly brought her to the island thanks to my dragon, who refuses to let her out of my sight.
As a cold shiver of regret passes through me, I know I can’t do more wrong by her. Stryker and I agree about one thing – humans don’t deserve the short end of the stick. Especially with Yazmine, who we’d grown close to during her study of Grandfather’s fossils on the island, we’d both beared the brunt of Aragon’s begrudging treatment toward her. It was something neither of us could stand to watch, and we knew instantly that kidnapping a human and holding her hostage in our quarters wasn’t something we’d do.
I can’t help but wonder when I decided to change that outlook on my own behavior. Frowning, I pick up the plate of treats I filled for myself and then take a look around me. When I notice that my twin has gone off to speak to Yazmine, I steal away from the wedding ceremony and quietly make my way to the castle.
If I can’t figure out why my dragon intends to keep the woman safe, the least I can do is treat her with the same hospitality I wished my older brothers showed their mates. Just because I’m reluctant to have a mate doesn’t mean I’ll treat a human badly.
When the elevator doors open up on the floor of my quarters, I step out and take a deep breath. I’m in no mood for another confrontation with the human. Not while I cannot make sense of my need to keep her around. I can barely offer her an explanation, so I decide to unlock the door, slide the treats onto the pedestal, and lock the door again.
I won’t be a heartless brute to a human, even if I can’t open my heart to the idea of human mates.
Chapter 4 - Olivia
Smacking the screen of my cell phone proves fruitless. It’s not like I can bully the device into working, so I frustratedly fling it to the corner of the bed and watch as it slips down and lands on the plush carpet.
Of course, my captor ensured I didn’t get any signal here. That’s why he didn’t bother checking for any cellular devices on me. For a hot moment, I thought his mistake would work in my favor until I found that my cell phone didn’t work in this place.
I blow a frustrated breath through puckered lips, sitting cross-legged on the comfortable bed. At least I could catch a little bit of shut-eye for the night, hoping that my circumstances would change by the morning.
When I woke up, to my disappointment, I found that I was still locked in the luxurious room fit for royalty, with the doors locked to keep me a prisoner here.
Just who does he think he is? I internally grouch, crossing my arms over my chest and wondering where the hell I am. The man who brought me here remains a mystery, too. Perhaps he’s a brave citizen who saw a kidnapping taking place and thought he was doing the honorary thing by stepping in to save me.
Only to prove that he’s just as bad as the bad guys, locking me away in a fancy bedroom for my own safety.
He has no idea how wrong he is… I can’t wait to get out of here and tell the bureau about this. My superiors will have a good laugh while I figure out a way forward with Luca’s case.
Thanks to my mystery savior, I’m at least three steps back in my investigation.
I’m about to defeatedly throw myself back between the pillows when metallic clicks behind the bedroom door alert me. Waiting with bated breath for the man’s return, I stare at the door, ready to pounce forward with my feet on the floor. He won’t see it coming; it might be my only escape.
Except, the door barely opens, the man’s arm slipping in quickly to slide a plate on the antique pedestal on the side. I’m not even halfway across the bedroom when the door is locked again.