“I dare you to touch him, or even look at him.”
“Calm down, my man, just saying.”
I push him back down into his seat while he smiles like an arrogant prick that he got a rise out of me. I bet the fucker knew Kai was mine.
“Simon, this dickhead is Ivan, Ivan this miserable fuck is Simon. And he’s straight.”
“Thanks for the introduction,” Si mumbles and gives Ivan a chin-up in greeting. I don’t miss how Simon scans the room. No doubt looking for the name we shall not mention. Luckily he doesn’t appear to be here this evening, which is a relief as I can only handle so much drama.
“This looks cozy, room for one more?” a voice asks, and we all turn our heads to see Aaron standing with his arms crossed, watching Lev as if he’s working out where to skin him first. That clues me in that Aaron has yet to meet the elusive Ivan.
“Doe, what are you doing here?”
“I was bored at home. You said you’d be an hour. It’s been two.”
“That’s ‘cos these fuckers were late,” Lev says, pointing between me and Simon.
Aaron strolls around the table until he is behind Lev, and leans over his shoulder until his mouth is at his ear, and is that his switchblade pointed at Lev’s dick? Typical Aaron.
“Who the fuck is this guy, Lev?” Aaron sneers.
“Ivan. My cousin. I already told you about him.”
“Oh,” Aaron says and stands up straight and walks around to Ivan.
“Nice to meet you. You look like Dima but bigger.”
“You too, Aaron. Nice blade.”
“Thanks. You go near Lev, and you’ll find him buried in your throat,” Aaron says, and it’s fucking chilling to witness. Not many people creep me the fuck out, but Aaron, when he smiles like that, sends a shiver even down my spine. Worse is, I believe his threats.
“I don’t fuck family,” Ivan replies, amusement twinkling in his eyes at the storm that is Aaron.
“Jules is fucking his nephew.”
“Step-nephew. You know we aren’t blood-related, Aaron. Stop stirring.”
“I can pretend you are, though. Lev, I wanna go home.”
“I’m in a meeting, doe. You’ll have to wait. Come here.”
Aaron bounces over to Lev and straddles his thighs. Zero shyness between these two has Lev brutally kissing Aaron like they are on their own. Lev pulls away and grabs Aaron’s hair with his fist.
“Now be quiet, then we’ll go home and I’ll fuck you to sleep,” Lev croons at Aaron.
“Mmmm, sounds good.”
“I’m gonna love it here,” Ivan says as he winks at a dancer who passes our table, giving him the fuck me eyes.
“Let’s get down to business so we can all go home. Dima has arranged for an architect to visit the property next month. We need to expand, and we think it’s time you all had your own space. Ivan will be overseeing the project to make sure the architect and builders stick to plan. He’s also pretty talented in interrogations and intimidating fuckers, which is a huge bonus. Jules, we’re gonna put you on Starlight and have you assist in any meetings with Carlos or other associates. Simon, you and Kai will take on more here. You did a good job with the books, which I hate doing. Me and Dima want to start expanding, but that’s in the future. All good?”
“I think you’ll wanna speak to Dima before you settle on those plans. I doubt he’ll want me at the bar with him. Besides, I may not be here.”
“What the fuck do you mean you won’t be here?”
“Ask D. It’s best you hear it from him.”
“I’m getting too old for all this shit. Get home. Ivan, go with the guys. I’ll drive back with Aaron.”