“Still not hearing that you don't wanna fuck him. If it makes you feel better, he wants you too.”
I glare over at Lev, hoping it burns him to the ground. He talks such bullshit, and I want to wipe that arrogant grin off his face. I’ve never seen him smile as much as he has today, courtesy of all his meddling.
“Shut the hell up, Lev. I think you've done enough shit-stirring tonight.”
“So you won’t mind me giving his ass a go then? It would be a sin to let a hottie like him pass me by.”
Just the idea of that has my blood pressure so high I should be dead. Unable to control the red haze of anger at the thought of Lev touching Kai, I find myself forgetting who I’m talking to and lean across the table.
“Don’t you fucking dare! You keep your hands off him.”
I’m so lost in the maze of frustration and anger that Kai has managed to bring out of me in the last twenty-four hours, that I leave myself unguarded as Lev’s large hand grabs me around the throat and the teasing sparkle in those green eyes morph into pure violence.
“Watch it, Jules. I don’t mind removing that disrespectful tongue if it teaches you a lesson in respect. Understand?”
The grip he has on my throat has me clutching the arms of my seat. If I show panic, Lev will think I’m weak, so I try to calm my thoughts and my breathing until I feel his hand slowly loosen before leaving my throat completely.
“I understand. I just want him focused.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, nephew fucker. Ain’t no shame in wanting him, though. Now get him home. I want him out meeting the crews tomorrow and showing him the ropes.”
I stand with a nod in acknowledgment and walk over to where Kai is talking to Simon. Kai eyes me with concern, making me think he just saw my interaction with Lev.
“Time to go. You’re shadowing me tomorrow so we need to get some rest. You coming, Si?” I say.
“I’ll stick around and head back with Lev,” Simon says, but his eyes are focused over my shoulder. I turn to see where he is looking and it’s no surprise that he’s staring down Carlos, who is smirking back at Simon.
“Or are you staying to have another showdown with Carlos?” I say, smiling when Simon looks back at me, brows furrowed that I’ve called him out. Something is definitely off with those two.
“The fucker deserves to be beat down. I hate him and his arrogant ass. Always looking down his nose at me,” Simon says, with a sharp sneer on his lips, like the idea of Carlos has left a bitter taste in his mouth.
“Who’s Carlos?” Kai asks.
“He's that smug fucker in the pretentious suit who is staring at us. He’s Lev and Dima’s distributor. Take my advice and keep away from him. Nothing but trouble,” Simon says.
“He’s not that bad. I get along with him fine. Ignore him, Kai,” I say as I nudge Kai’s arm and tilt my head, signaling for us to leave.
“Whatever,” Simon grumbles and walks away toward Lev, who is still sitting at his table, smoking his cigar and watching over the club like a King watching his congregation at court.
“That was weird,” Kai says as we walk toward the exit.
“Yeah, Si hates Carlos and Carlos loves to push his buttons.”
“You mean they want each other?”
“I think Carlos wants Si. But I’m not sure if Si would stab Carlos if he touched him.”
“Is there anyone normal that works here?”
That makes me laugh, because he’s right. We’re all crazy and tainted.
“I think your best option is Seb, for any normal conversation, although that disappears whenever he’s near Dima.”
“That's something, I suppose.”
It is. At least Seb is the closest to a normal human among us. But the longer you spend with this fucked up family, the crazy seems to spread like a disease. Infecting every part of your being until you’re living and breathing the brutal life that ironically saved us all in some way.
As we get into my car and head home in silence, I pray to god that Kai doesn't lose himself completely.