Tonight was a lot to digest. I think every emotion flooded my system: excitement, fear, anxiety, and confusion. The point of how dangerous these guys are has been driven solidly home in the short amount of time I’ve spent in Lev’s presence. While he scares the fuck out of me, I want to do well for him and Dima so that they’ll keep me here. I can see myself adjusting to this life, I just hope my past stays there and that Zac lets things go. Jez has been quiet since his last text, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about the idea of going home to visit Mom. Zac is small potatoes compared to the Kozlovs, but he’s a nasty fucker.
“How do you feel now that you know what we do here?” Jules asks, as we start to drive out of town. The street lights fading into the background as I stare into the side mirror. I catch a glimpse of my face in the reflection and it’s the first time I’ve seen myself not look so tired, so downtrodden with nothing but questions in my eyes, asking myself what the hell I’m going to do with my life.
“Good. Lev’s intimidating. Simon was cool. I thought he’d hate me because of how annoyed he was when we met, but he explained a lot about the job and the club. I’m more relaxed about things.”
“That’s great. It’s pretty easy here if you just follow the rules and do what’s asked of you.”
“I won’t let you down.”
“I know.”
Jules looks over at me with a small smile as we pull onto the driveway. Just as I get out of the car, a motorcycle pulls up next to us. As the rider dismounts the bike, he takes his helmet off and holy fuck, he’s smokin’. I’ve never seen this many hot men in one place before, I’m borderline tempted to change from being bi to just gay, as these guys are sinfully attractive. A beautiful smile stretches across his gorgeous face, and pretty eyes light up as he walks towards us.
“Hey Jules,” he says.
“Hey Seb. Great timing. Kai, this is Seb, Dima’s husband. He also bartends at Starlight. Seb, this is Kai, our new guard,” Jules says, and immediately my thoughts race with how hot Dima and Seb must look together.
“Great to meet you, Kai,” Seb says, holding his hand out for me to shake. He grips my hand firmly, and his kind smile reassures me that I will get on with him. Jules is right; he is the most normal here.
“You too. Nice bike,” I say.
“Thanks. You ride?” Seb asks.
“No, it’s something I’d love to learn, though,” I say.
“I can teach you if you want?” Seb offers.
“Err, I don’t think Dima will like that, do you?” Jules says, chuckling.
“I don’t give a fuck what D says, Jules. Haven’t you learned that by now?”
“Hey, it's your funeral, just keep me out of it,” Jules says as he guides me to the side entrance.
“Nice meeting you, Kai. If you get bored with the cavemen, pop over to the bar for a drink,” Seb shouts as we walk away, and he heads into the main house.
“Thanks. I will,” I say as I wave him goodbye.
“He’s nice,” I say to Jules as we walk towards our house.
“He is, but be careful. Dima is very possessive, and Seb encourages it. You don't wanna be caught in the crossfire.”
“He can’t be that bad.”
“Kai, he murdered Seb’s fiancée and her lover. Actually, Seb technically murdered his ex, but that's not the point. So yes, he would hurt anyone he thought was a threat or meant harm. There are no rules here. This is considered the norm. You need to remember that.”
“Are you fucking kiddin’ me? Seb killed someone? Wait. What really happened to that guard, Zayn?”
“He betrayed the brothers. He had to die.”
“Fucking hell, Jules. What have you brought me into?” I say, looking at him head-on as we stand outside the door to our home.
“A new start. A family. Yes, we’re bad people, but we protect each other and have a good life. You need to make it work in your head, Kai. Worrying about it only means you’ll make mistakes. Just go with it.”
“I can do that. Just go with it, it’s only murders. No biggie. How dumb of me.”