Rebecca, who had leaned over far enough to read his lips, cackled. “I know, right? I knew the man was gorgeous but when he dresses to show it off, he’s unbelievable. And he obviously came here expecting to get laid.” She leaned closer. “And lookee at the testosterone beginning to gather around him. This should be good!”

Doc Frost wore nothing more than low-riding, faded jeans and a tight blue T-shirt that matched his eyes and made the white in his hair shine. Casual. Simple. The long, leanly muscled slopes of that broad-shouldered body were on perfect display. He’d messed up his hair, making it stand tussled on his head. He looked younger dressed like this. He strode through the crowd, expression fierce as usual, intentions obvious.

Yep, the general wanted to get laid.

Snow leaned over the bar as the bartender chatted him up and Jude’s mouth snapped shut at the way his jeans framed his taut ass. He’d caught glimpses of it before, but normally his long doctor’s coat covered things up. It was a shame, too. Jude watched as Snow asked the bartender something, his hand moving up to his cheek as if he were motioning about something on his face. Or someone else’s. Was he looking for someone?

The bartender pointed toward the back of the bar and Snow curtly nodded. The doc pushed away from the bar and strode purposefully through the crowd and out of Jude’s line of sight. Jude fought the urge to lean forward so he could watch. Rebecca didn’t hesitate, nearly taking a header out of her chair as she stretched.

“Damn! That man is built!” She sat up straight, grabbed her glass. “I love the way he walks. All predatory and shit. If he wasn’t gay, I’d be crawling his body like a spider monkey.” She sipped her drink. “Which brings me to this question. What the hell are you waiting for?”

Jude stopped grinding his teeth long enough to throw back the last of his drink, trying not to think about Snow picking up some nameless guy when he was more than happy to welcome him to his own bed. He just wasn’t ecstatic about the idea of going after Snow with Rebecca watching him.

Barely ten minutes had passed before Snow returned to the bar alone. His expression was still hard as he leaned across the bar, talking to the bartender again. This time, Snow reached across and handed the man something, but it didn’t look like money or even a credit card. Had Snow slipped the bartender his phone number?

A blond kid came up behind Snow, blocking Jude’s view and sudden resentment flooded him when the doctor turned and the kid shoved his hands under Snow’s T-shirt.

“Wow,” Rebecca scooted her chair closer to Jude’s so she didn’t have to yell. “Check out the stomach on him. He has that perfect vee thing going with his hips like you. Damn, I really need to start hanging out in straight bars where I might actually have a chance.” She propped her chin on her fist. “Who knew he had all that under his clothes?”

Jude had known because he watched the man. All the time. Watched him move that toned, stunning body and when one loved the male form as much as Jude did, he knew the signs. Plus, he’d rubbed all over it that night in the parking lot. The night before Snow’s friend had died.

A frown tugged at Jude’s lips as he realized what was off about the doctor tonight—more than the usual prickly arrogance. There was a hardness to his face, as if Snow were clenching his teeth and his hands opened and closed at his side. He looked like he was teetering on the edge and cruising for a fight.

Fuck, had the funeral been today?

“So many men are in here in clothes so tight, they probably have trouble breathing and that man wears his jeans loose and low—” She hummed her approval.

“And knows exactly how fantastic he looks in them.” Jude stared, both worried about the man’s state of mind and turned on by the way the jeans hung off his hips. He imagined that he could slide his hands inside them, cup his ass. They’d slide off his legs so easily. He wondered how much hair Snow had on his body.

Rebecca chuckled. “That kid is annoying the hell out of him, but I sure am enjoying the show.”

Jude was barely listening to her at this point, lost in the fantasy of undressing the sexy doctor even as he watched him fend off the blond. Snow frowned fiercely at the dainty kid who didn’t look like he was old enough to even be in the place and who was obviously made of hands. The doctor pulled the hands away, but they returned fast, this time raising the shirt high and giving every man around him a glimpse of that ripped stomach.