“Should we call the cops?” Andrei asked, drawing open-mouth stares from both Lucas and Snow.


Snow waited for Lucas to continue beyond that harsh, one-word bark, but he didn’t continue. He just glared at Andrei, his expression cold and distant, like a wall had gone up between Lucas’s lover and his past.

“We don’t have any proof and it will raise a lot of uncomfortable questions,” Snow explained.

Andrei smirked, easing some of the tension that had thickened in the air. “I get it, but at least one of us had to suggest it.”

“Where are you going?” Lucas demanded, nodding to the coat Snow clutched in both fists.

“Home. Don’t worry, I’m armed and Rowe set up a monster security system in my place so I’ll be fine.”

Lucas narrowed his eyes, looking like he wanted to argue, but thankfully he didn’t. Snow expected he’d find someone on his tail later.

Andrei stood and walked to Lucas. “We’re a bit short-handed with Rowe gone and me running things at the office, but Sven, the new guy I just hired, is coming off a job soon,” Andrei said. “I’ll stick close to Ian until I can get Sven in place. I sparred with him. He’s good.”

Lucas crumbled the picture in his fist. “Snow, I don’t like the idea of you going home alone. Or anywhere else that will put more of those bruises on your body.” His worried glare burned a hole through Snow. “Stay here or better yet, go with us to Ian’s. We should all be together tonight anyway.”

Snow shook his head. “I promised to cover for someone and have an early shift. I’m going home.” He didn’t leave room for argument in his tone and he didn’t care that Lucas’s mouth twisted in anger. He also hoped Lucas couldn’t tell that he was lying. Snow had an idea.

Gratton liked them young and Snow had been out of the game too long to know where the current hotspot for jailbait was—not that he ever had because he’d never been into young men. But he knew a place where he could find out. There was always someone at the most popular gay bar in town who had their fingers on the pulse of the underground.Chapter 7“You know, I didn’t think this night could get any more fun.” Rebecca grinned, took a sip of her wine, and leaned back in her chair with a huge sigh Jude could see more than hear. Loud music pumped through the air and lights flashed over her features. The Dock was packed tonight—not that he’d ever seen it any other way. Though this was only the third time he’d come here.

She leaned closer, her long hair puddling on the table between them. “Women should clue in about gay bars. More gorgeous men with more muscle tone than I’ve ever seen gathered outside of a gym. Dancing and making out in the corners. This is best sort of way to spend my time.”

Jude had to agree that the scenery was pretty damn fantastic, although he generally wasn’t a fan of these big, noisy clubs. He preferred smaller, more intimate settings. Preferred relationships over anonymous hookups. It was why he hadn’t gotten laid in more than six months. He hadn’t even called his friend Shane—his only friend with benefits—in all that time.

“I want to lick the sweat off that one.” Rebecca pointed, then pointed again. “And that one. Oooooo…and that one.”

Jude followed her finger and had to admit she had good taste, especially when she pointed at a man gyrating on the dance floor, his tank showing off hard, broad shoulders, his black skin shiny with sweat. The man caught Jude’s gaze and smiled, his invitation clear. Sweet smile, too—just the kind Jude should be drawn to and nothing like the superior scowls of an older doctor. Sighing, Jude turned back to Rebecca. He’d never been one to stray anywhere else once his interest was caught and this time, it was thoroughly trapped. Damn it. “What did you mean the night couldn’t get more fun?”

She wasn’t paying attention to him. He waited, grinning as he watched his friend get lost in her licking fantasies. There could be a few who would welcome her attentions here, especially the women, but her odds weren’t good for what she wanted. She finally looked at him, her eyes shiny and reflecting the strobe lights. “I meant...” She drew it out, then took another drink. “That it is now more interesting with the surgeon general here. I can’t wait to see him in action. Talk about hot. Do you think he just points and orders men about in the bedroom like he does at the hospital?” She shivered.

It took everything Jude had to keep his expression slightly interested as he turned in his seat. The thick crowd hampered his view, but he waited and then nearly swallowed his tongue when the doctor came into view. He couldn’t stop his mouth from falling open. “Fuck me,” he breathed.