Yeah, it was dirty but so damn hot, Liam’s eyes nearly rolled into his head.

“Come on me,” Seth whispered. “Jack yourself and come all over me.”

“Fuck yes,” Liam hissed as he leaned in to kiss Seth. Their tongues slid together and Liam lost his rhythm. Seth took over jacking himself and they watched each other as their hands moved in sync.

It was so damn intimate, staring as they touched themselves. Liam’s heart was racing a mile a minute, sweat building up on his skin.

Seth’s breath hitched and he sped up his hand, eyes still scorching as they looked at Liam. He suddenly arched his back and shot, streams hitting Liam’s stomach. Liam scooped some up and returned to jacking himself, using Seth’s cum as lube.

“Fuck yeah,” Seth breathed.

His orgasm built, drawing up his balls and stealing the air from his lungs. When he let it loose, it slammed through him with so much force, he shouted, shooting all over Seth’s groin.

“That’s it,” Seth said, still panting from his own orgasm. “So fucking hot. Fuck, Liam.”

Liam leaned against him, trying to catch his breath. “I made a mess.”

“We both did. Here.” Seth grabbed a towel off the counter and swiped at them, laughing. “It was worth it.”

“But now I don’t want to finish the job. Wore out.”

“Eh, it won’t take us long to finish at this point. Let’s get it done, then go to your place to shower. I’ll wash you myself.”

“With a promise like that, I’ve suddenly got the energy to finish.”

Chuckling, Seth tossed the dirty towel into the trash bag. He walked into the living room and grabbed the broom they’d left after sweeping the floor in there. “This is the last room. You think there’s anything in this kitchen we need to send to his mom?”

“I’ll go through the cabinets really quick.”

It didn’t take them long to complete the kitchen and gather up the things that had been stacked against the living room wall. Liam gave the apartment one last walk-through and shut the door, his heart aching for Gerald. They might not have been best friends, but he still hurt for the loss.

Seth placed a hand on his arm. “I’m just going to stop by my place for some clothes. I usually keep extras in the car, but I need to do laundry. I’ll meet you at your place.”

“You can do laundry there if you like.”

“Thanks. I will. We’ll get that shower, then some takeout. Sound good?”

“Sounds perfect. Thanks again for helping me today.”

“What are boyfriends for?”

Liam couldn’t stop his huge smile. “Like the sound of that.”

Seth kissed him. “So do I. See you soon.”A boyfriend.

It certainly had Seth rethinking his life plan. As it stood now, he couldn’t see himself ever getting tired of Liam, and he looked forward to many years with him. He was ready to find out if Dom was right, and learning everything there was to know about another man’s body was hotter. He planned to explore every inch of Liam’s big frame. He’d be starting tonight.

He hurriedly stuffed his dirty laundry into a bag and grabbed a couple of pairs of clean clothes. He didn’t know how long he’d be staying at Liam’s, but he planned to at least stay the night. He’d loved sleeping next to the man.

Anticipation buzzed through him as he drove to Liam’s and parked. He ran toward the front door and laughed when Liam opened it before he could even knock. Liam grabbed him and yanked him into the apartment. The kiss he received curled his toes in his shoes.

“I’ve been thinking about that shower,” Liam growled and dragged him down the hall.

Seth dropped the laundry bag, laughing as he was tugged into the bathroom. Liam had him undressed in the blink of an eye. “In a hurry?”

“To get you naked? Always.” Liam stroked his hands over the tattoo on Seth’s shoulder. “What does this one mean?”

“It’s the symbol of strength.” He pointed to one on his arm. “And this one is compassion.”

“The lotus flower. Have I told you I love that you have a flower tattoo?”

“Thought you might like it. It’s the only flower whose meaning I knew. I may get more. Ever thought about getting one?”

“Maybe I’ll get a red camellia.”

“What would that mean?”

Liam was silent for a moment, his stare intense. “You’re a flame in my heart.”

Seth touched his cheek. “Your heart, Liam?”

“It’s soon, I know. But what I’m feeling is so damn strong already.”

“It’s the same for me,” Seth whispered. “I’m not sure how it happened, but you found a place in my heart as well. Aren’t we a pair?”

“I like it. And I’ll like it better when we get in that shower and soap each other up. It’s one of my favorite things—wet man.”

“Then by all means.” Seth turned on the water and waited until it heated before stepping inside. He held his hand out to Liam, smiling when the big man got inside and immediately took up more than half the space. “We’re going to eventually need a bigger shower if you like me wet so much.”