“Better yet, we’ll get a hot tub.”

“Are we talking about moving in together already?” Seth asked, surprised.

“It’s too early for that, I know. But sometime, in the future, if we work out…”

“But for right now,” Seth said, voice low as he picked up the soap, “it’s time to wash the dust of that apartment off. And maybe some of that dried cum on your belly.”

Liam glanced down and chuckled. “I like having you on me. I’d like it better to have you in me.”

Seth groaned. “That can be arranged.” He soaped up his hands and got busy. Man, he loved this big body of Liam’s. His wide shoulders and thick arms. With his skin slick from water and soap, he looked even more appealing. Seth took his time, kneeling to wash his legs and feet. He slowly stood, soaping his cock and balls. He ran his fingers behind and circled his hole, and Liam tried to spread his legs more to give him room, but he ran out of space.

“Damn apartment shower,” Liam grumbled.

Seth stood, chuckling. “We won’t be having any kind of sex in here. Not easily.”

“There’s always the bed.”

“Let’s hurry, then.”

They made love slowly that night and never did get around to ordering dinner, too enraptured with each other to bother. Around midnight, they raided Liam’s refrigerator for leftovers and barely made it through the makeshift meal before they were on each other again. Seth had a feeling it would always be like this between them.

He could hardly wait.EpilogueThey’d left the light on in the hall. Seth woke, confused by the illumination coming into Liam’s bedroom before he remembered they’d been too interested in getting naked earlier, then too tired to get up and turn it off after. Sex between them had only been getting better, and he couldn’t imagine that changing. Not with the way he felt.

He turned over and looked at the sleeping man beside him. Liam gave an adorable little snore that made Seth smile with affection. He pushed up on his elbow and stared at Liam. His rugged face was relaxed in sleep, his mouth slightly open, his hair disheveled. Seth had messed that hair up himself. He could hardly keep his hands out of it now that Liam had let it grow a little. It was so soft, and he loved the gray streaks. So sexy.

He started to stroke it but didn’t want to wake Liam. They’d gone at each other pretty hard earlier, and his ass still ached a bit from it. He liked the twinge of pain because it was a reminder of just how good it had been. How good it always was.

It had been six months since they’d decided to give this a try. Six months of incredibly hot sex and more affection than he’d ever experienced in his life. He couldn’t stop touching the man, couldn’t stop kissing him. He loved his big body and his even bigger heart.

He loved him.

Seth was completely and utterly in love.

Green eyes opened and slowly focused on him. Liam blinked, his eyebrows coming together in confusion. “Something wrong? Why are you staring?”

“Can’t seem to help myself,” Seth whispered.

“We fell asleep with the light on?”

“Wore each other out.” Seth grinned and leaned in to softly kiss Liam’s warm lips. “I’ll get up and turn it off in a moment. I want to look at you a little longer.”

“Why? Same face I always have.”

“It’s a great face.” He stroked his hand over Liam’s chest, enjoying the crisp hair under his palm. As always, when he touched the man, his dick perked up. He couldn’t get enough of Liam and knew now that he never would. “I have to tell you something. And it’s not easy for me to say.”

Liam’s body tensed and mirrored Seth’s position in the bed. “What is it?”

Seth stared at him, his stomach in knots. He glanced away and when he looked back, he saw worry had widened Liam’s eyes. He stroked his face. “I know you didn’t want a serious relationship. Like me. But what we have is something pretty damn special.”

The corner of Liam’s mouth went up and he slumped forward, his face in Seth’s neck. “I thought you were about to take off,” he mumbled.

“Take off?” Seth wrapped his arm around him and turned to kiss his temple. “What made you think that? The way I can’t stop staring at you or the kiss?”

“You just got serious all of the sudden.”

“Of course, because I meant it. I am serious. I…I love you, Liam.”

The big body went tense.

Seth rushed on. “I know it’s not what we planned, but can’t you tell?”

Liam pulled back and stared at him. “I’ve been having a lot of fun with you.”

Seth’s heart started pounding hard against his rib cage. “Is it just fun for you?”