Page 87 of Dangerous Allure

Moments later, Ronald set two glasses on coasters that bore Edge’s logo on them in front of us.

“Thanks, man,” West said as he picked up his glass and sipped from it.

“Anytime. Have a good night, guys.”

“Thank you,” I said as I wrapped my hand around the glass.

West and I took our drinks over to a high-top, pub-style table. In silence, we surveyed the room of club-goers. With so many new faces, I knew it would be a challenge to negotiate a play session with someone unfamiliar to us. We would have better luck with someone we already knew, and possibly someone who had previously played with us.

“So what’s your preference tonight, Spence?” West asked.

“I think a new face will pose more of a challenge tonight.”

“I agree.” West paused to take a sip from his glass. “So?”

“I’m open to female or male,” I answered.

“Are we looking more for impact play, or are we doing the nurturing daddy thing tonight?”

“Both.” I took a long drink of water and then added, “If at all possible.”

“Spence, three quarters of these people are new to us.”

“I don’t care.” I drained the rest of my water and set the empty glass on the table.

“We hardly get to come here anymore,” West reminded me.

“Exactly. We can’t lower our standards or put our needs to the side. We aim for both but negotiate down if needed.”

“Alright. I’ll follow your lead tonight.”

As we made our way to the social area of the main floor, I spotted some friends of ours seated on a couch. David, Steph, and Hugh saw us and waved us over. I smiled and gestured with my head, acknowledging their invitation. David and Hugh were both tops, and Steph was David’s submissive and wife. Hugh was single, and from our interactions with him, it seemed that he kept all his topping activities in the club. West and I received handshakes from Hugh and David, while Steph hugged both of us.

“Where have you guys been?” David asked as West and I sat across from them.

“We were traveling the globe and visiting exotic places,” West teased.

I added the more honest response of, “We’ve been working a lot. Several weekends out of town.” Vail and Aspen easily counted as being out of town.

“It’s good seeing you both,” Hugh said.

“It’s good to be in the club again,” I replied as I glanced around the room.

“Yeah, it’s good to be back. Though, I have to say, it’s almost unrecognizable,” West said quietly.

“There are a ton of new people since you guys were last here,” David admitted.

“We often joke about how the university must be doing a course on kink or something like that. There’s been a surge of college-aged kids that have joined,” Hugh said.

“Must be the new trend,” Steph said as she shrugged her shoulders.

“All of the newbies have been polite and nice to talk to,” Hugh told us.

“Even if few know the difference between a crop and a strap,” David mumbled.

“Again, they’re all exceptionally nice and tame,” Steph said.

“Very tame. Almost too tame. Sometimes I feel like I need to close the door when Steph and I are in one of the rooms. As if I might traumatize one of them.”