Page 88 of Dangerous Allure

“Most of them are wallflowers and just shy, I think,” Steph added.

“Or voyeurs?” I offered.

“Few of them will actually play, which is fine. To each their own.” Hugh picked up a glass from the coffee table and took a sip of the dark liquid. “I think most of the new members are lookie-loos.”

David and Steph nodded. “The ones who do play are very mild for the most part, but there are some exceptions,” David expressed.

“Mmm.” I looked at Hugh as he made a noise to get our attention while his mouth was full of liquid. He set the glass down and said, “Like that Sky kid.”

Steph nodded again and looked at her husband. “Oh yeah. He definitely plays. Isn’t his name Skyler?” she asked.

“It is. The guy seems to be tightly wound and plays intensely,” David murmured. “He’s quiet, though.”

“Is he a top?” West asked.

“I’ve only seen him bottom,” Hugh replied. “He’s kind of a ghost.”

“He doesn’t stick around after sessions either,” David added.

West and I wouldn’t be playing with the guy. We required that our play partners at least hung around long enough to have a non-alcoholic drink with us, so we could make sure they were doing okay.

“Incoming,” David said as he looked over my shoulder. I knew better than to look, though.

Steph reached for her glass on the coffee table and mumbled, “Mhmm.”

Hugh laughed out loud and then attempted to cover it up by quickly coughing and reaching for his drink. Just as he brought the glass to his mouth, a young woman dressed in a frilly hot-pink ballerina skirt and black tank top stopped by the coffee table. Her hair matched the bright skirt, and for a moment I felt as though I were at a rave or Halloween party. Furry bright pink cuffs dangled loosely from her wrists.

“Hello there,” she said to West. Her voice was energetic and bordered on high-pitched. I was instantly annoyed by the sound of it because I felt like it was fake.

“Hello,” West politely replied.

“I’m Mitzi, and I’m sure I haven’t seen you around before. Are you new?”

West conversed with the young lady, as I focused on Mitzi’s furry cuffs. Were they just for show and part of the outfit? I couldn’t see anything metal, such as a D ring or other fasteners. But while I glanced at the cuffs, such that they were, I noticed her dramatic footwear. At first, I didn’t think she had shoes on, but on closer examination, I realized I was wrong. She wore what looked like clear acrylic shoes with chunky blocks for heels. I looked at David, Hugh, and Steph to see if West and I were being punked.

“No, not new. I just haven’t been to the club in a while,” West divulged.

“Ohhh, so you’re seasoned,” she chirped.


“And you know what you’re doing?” she asked.

“I promise, I do,” West replied.

“Care to show me?” Mitzi’s voice had dropped from the high-pitched noise to an attempt at sounding seductive. Was this girl for real?

“We might not be compatible. I might be into different things,” West explained as he continued talking to her.

“No, I’m sure I would be into whatever you’re into. In fact, I bet we’re even close in age.”

“Really? How old are you, Mitzi?” I want to slug West for continuing to engage with this girl. Clearly, she was here for the novelty.

“I’m twenty-two.” The annoying high-pitched tone was back.

“Either you’re a very bad guess of ages or I just look really young. I’m thirty-five, sweetheart.”

Mitzi clapped rapidly and twisted from side to side, waiting for West to jump at the chance to have a session with her. She must be used to the attention elsewhere. But when West didn’t say anything else, she prompted him.